  • 期刊


Development and Heritage of Chinese Medical History in Taiwan-From Fever History to a New Development


醫療史在臺灣是一個新興的歷史學專題,真正讓史學界投以關注之目光,也不過是近二十年左右的事。經過一些學者的努力,醫療史已從「醫生的學問」轉變成為也可以是「歷史學者的學問」。個人的研究與學術環境的轉變可謂息息相關,做為一位醫療史研究的後進者,本文目的即在釐清這一新領域的過往與轉變,並根據自己研究的一些心得,從中國醫療文化中對外熱病理解之歷史,來切入既有的研究成果,並提出一些新問題、新見解,為醫療史的創新獻上一己之力。 大體上臺灣的中國醫療史研究,經歷了「內史」、「新社會史」等不同階段,從關切醫學理論的興革,轉移到人們日常生活的種種風采;然而,過去醫生研究醫史的方法,有無可能和新社會史作一結合呢?筆者希望藉由這樣的回顧找出「新醫史」的可能,一種包含各階層想法的「重層性」架構,這樣的架構不是包山包海、濫竽充數的,而是基於特定的問題,用有效的幾個角度來加以剖析,也是一種內、外史結合的、多角度的新看法。


中醫 熱病體系 傳染病 醫療史 新史學 研究法


Medical history is a newly invented subject for the study of history in Taiwan; the real focus of concern in the field of history study came during the recent twenty years. Through efforts of some scholars, medical history has changed from ”doctors' wisdom” to ”historian's knowledge”. The transitions of personal research and academic environment are related to each other. Being a late learner of medical history, the researcher of this study aims to clarify the development and changes of the new field. Based on lessons learned from author's past experiences and comprehension of fever history in Chinese medical culture, this study explores the existing research findings, and proposes several new issues and opinions for the innovation of medical history. Generally speaking, the study of Chinese medical history in Taiwan underwent different stages of ”internal history” and ”new social history” from the rise and reform of medical theory to various happening in people's daily life. However, is it possible to combine the previous research method of studying medical history with new social history? This study intends to look for the possibility of ”new medical history” from this perspective. A ”double-decker” framework that includes opinions of every walks of life does not contain everything without principles; it is based upon specific issue and analyze it from several effective angles, which is also a new standpoint that connecting internal and external histories.


卡謬孟祥森譯(1996)。La Peste。臺北:桂冠圖書股份有限公司。
