  • 期刊


Interlibrary Loan and Document Delivery: Changing Roles and Perspectives in the Information Era


館際合作(Interlibrary Loan)隨著資訊環境的進步與更高的服務需求而調整其經營模式。豐富的資料庫,檢索工具的容易使用,及全文的最終需求,更使文獻提供服務(Document Delivery Service)因勢進入市場。而館合系統功能的持續加強,及聯盟合作模式的採用,改變了傳統館際合作的面貌,也使得館際合作角色更具多樣性,但因此館際合作與文獻提供服務的分別點也愈顯模糊。電子資源的持續問世,改變了圖書館的採購方法與館藏內容,而電子全文的方便擷取,逐漸改變讀者的研究行為及使用資訊管道,圖書館及文獻提供服務者必須審視自身的功能及未來的變化,並思考在資訊社會中扮演如何的角色。


Parallel to the need to evolve a new service mode for library loans in response to advances in information technology and growing demands from patrons is the need to introduce document delivery services in response to the readily available databases, user-friendly search engines and the ultimate need to access full-text documents. While developments in interlibrary systems and alliances have resulted in an array of interlibrary loan services, they have also blurred the lines between interlibrary loan services and document delivery services. The emergence of electronic resources is altering the nature of library acquisitions and holdings, while the ease with which full-text databases may be accessed is changing users' research habits and their channels through which information is obtained. Libraries and document delivery service provides will need to examine their own changing roles in the information era.


Fuller, David H. Jr.(2001).From Document Delivery to Distant Learning: An Interlibrary Loan Perspective.Journal of Interlibrary Loan, Document Delivery and Information Supply.11(4),51-59.
Osborne, Mick,Lowery, Betty(2000).The Changing Role of Document Delivery Services in the Electronic Age: age Example of the British Library.DF Revey.23(10),314-316.
Solar, David(2000).Electronic Full-text Articles as a Substitute for Traditional Interlibrary Borrowing.Journal of Interlibrary Loan, Document Delivery and Information Supply.11(1),99-117.
Fuller, David H. Jr.(2001).From Document Delivery to Distant Learning: An Interlibrary Loan Perspective.Journal of Interlibrary Loan, Document Delivery and Information Supply.11(4),51-59.
Jason, Mary E.(2000).Research Collections and Digital Information: Will There Be a Role for Interlibrary Loan and Document Delivery Services.The Journal of Library Administration.31(2),15-26.

