  • 學位論文


Decision-Making Processes for the Acquisition of Electronic Resources in University Libraries

指導教授 : 吳明德


由於電子資源取用便利,普遍受到讀者喜好,大學圖書館投入越來越多的經費用以建置電子資源館藏。然而,目前圖書館普遍面臨電子資源出版數量成長快速,訂費以及服務費飛漲等問題。另外,電子資源採訪大都需要透過談判及議價,同時也牽涉合約及授權等法律問題,其採訪作業遠較紙本的採訪更為複雜。圖書館在採訪電子資源的過程中必然要做出許多決策,而在決策過程中也會有不同位的人員參與,不同階段的決策活動也可能受到不同因素的影響。 本研究以組織管理的角度,瞭解大學圖書館採訪電子資源過程中的各項決策活動、參與決策人員之間互動關係以及評選資源時所考量的各項因素。採用半結構式訪談大綱為資料蒐集工具,以國內大學為抽樣母體,採取立意抽樣法,最終訪談國內12所大學圖書館,14位負責電子資源採訪業務之主管或館員,探討國內大學圖書館採訪電子資源所歷經之決策活動,影響決策過程的要素,以及參與人員所扮演的角色,及其在決策時使用之資訊。 研究結果顯示,國內大學圖書館電子資源採訪整體決策過程屬組織決策型態,而其中各項決策活動偏向為漸進式決策模式,主要在於館員認為電子資源採訪本質不變,但經費限縮的衝擊下,必須透過電子資源館藏評估,開始進行資源之刪訂與續訂之決策活動,以修正改進過去決策結果。再以決策人數來說,國內中、小型圖書館偏向於個人決策方式而大型圖書館部門分工較細,採訪工作需倚賴跨部門合作,偏向於群體決策運作模式。此外,國內大學圖書館進行電子書採訪時,偏向是圖書館館長介入決定購買,決策型態屬於由上而下的決策關係,與電子資料庫及電子期刊決策型態不同。參與決策之相關部門以及人員方面,參與決策之相關部門多寡不一,在小型圖書館中,電子資源採訪決策活動集中在單一組別。大型圖書館則決策活動牽涉部門較多,相對需要建立完善溝通機制,作為決策資訊交流管道。在國內大學圖書館電子資源採訪決策過程中,主要決策參與人員包括館員同時為決策啟動者與決策資訊傳遞者,教師為電子資源專業館藏決策者以及館長為決策結果之審核者與支持者。影響圖書館採訪電子資源決策要素包括:館員首先針對電子資源之客觀條件進行評估,如內容、價格、授權等。同時,參與決策館員相當倚賴過去在圖書館實務工作經驗。另外,在採訪電子資源過程中,館員較少主動傳遞分享決策資訊給系上教師,產生團隊決策中資訊不對稱情況。 本研究有以下建議:第一,強化電子資源聯盟資訊分析功能,以提升附加服務價值;第二,落實電子資源館藏評鑑工作,發展多元電子資源館藏評估指標;第三,加強館員資訊分享活動,建立與教師溝通互動管道;第四,教師為專業館藏之決策協助者,非最終決策者;第五,圖書館內部作業程序整合,建立跨組協商機制。


電子資源 採訪 館藏管理 決策 組織管理


Library patrons prefer to use electronic resources because those resources can be accessed conveniently. It is obvious that electronic resource expenditures of university libraries are increasing. However, libraries are facing the challenges of rapid increment of electronic resource titles and continuing growth of subscription fees. To acquire electronic resources, libraries usually need to negotiate with venders or publishers, which make acquisition works much more complicate than those of printed materials. Libraries need to make appropriate decisions in each stage of acquisition process. Staffs from different departments may involve in decision-making process. Meanwhile, each decision-making may be influenced by different factors. This study focuses on decision-making process rather than on decision-making skill. Fourteen acquisition librarians from 12 university libraries were interviewed. It is intended to investigate how librarians make decision in the process of acquisition of electronic resources. Factors which influence the decision-making are analyzed. The study also explores the roles of librarians involved and information they need in making decisions. Findings of this study are as follows: The acquisition of electronic recourses process is the “organizational decision-making” type. Librarians tend to revise their decisions based on results of former decisions, that is incremental model. Two decision making styles are found: group style and individual style. Medium or small-sized libraries usually adopt the individual style. On the contrary, because cooperation and negotiation among different departments are needed, all large-sized libraries adopt group style. Most of the time, librarians make their decisions independently, which they play the roles as informational integrators and distributors. Meanwhile, teachers are the major decision makers for specific subject electronic resources. Generally speaking, university library directors are the supervisors who approve and support decisions made by subordinate librarians. Factors which affect decision-making are: selection criteria of electronic resources, experience of decision-maker, and information behavior of decision maker. According to the findings of this study, it is suggested that library consortia should provide more analytic information concerning acquisition of electronic resources. Libraries should evaluate their electronic collections and develop evaluation indicators. Librarians should put much attention to share information with peers and teachers. Teachers are good collaborators in assisting decision-making, but they are not key decision makers. Libraries may need to integrate the decision-making tasks and establish appropriate workflows.


潘淑惠(2004)。學術圖書館電子期刊採購模式探討。圖書資訊學刊,48, 57-70。
