  • 期刊


Skin Diseases Among Patients and Health Care Workers in Nursing Homes in Tainan City




Objectives:To establish the prevalence of skin diseases in nursing homes, and determine possible risk factors for these disease. Methods:We undertook an investigation of patients and health care workers between November 1999 and February 2000 in Tainan City .Eleven palliative care institutions with more than 5 cared patients were randomly selected from 21 institutions registered by the Tainan Government Health Bureau. A structured questionnaire was completed before patients and staff were individually examined. For individuals with suspected scabies or fungal infections, skin samples were collected, prepared by standard procedures, and then examined microscopically. Results:Fungal infections were found in 61.6% of nursing home patients, of which most (95.1%) were on the foot. 58.3%of patients were diagnosed with xerosis, mainly on the lower leg (94.0%).57.3% patients were detected with Tinea unguium , 34.4% with Tinea pedis and 11.6% with Tinea manus. 62.9% of fungal diagnoses were authenticated by microscopic techniques. Scabies was noted in 3.3% patients and 10.7% stuff. We also confirmed scabies creatures in 30.8% and 12.5%of patients and staff with clinical diagnoses, gathered form three (27.3%) separate institutions . Among the patients, fungal infections wee correlated with male gender and bedridden status while xerosis was associated with increasing age. For scabies infection, a previous history of scabies was the most significant statistical risk factor. Among stuff, we could not determine any important statistical associations due to the relatively small number actually suffering skin disease (N=75) .Conclusions:Our study has revealed high skin diseases prevalence among patients and staff in nursing homes of Tainan city .Although not statistically significant, we believe there may be a relationship between staff with scabies and occupational contact with patients.


Skin Disease Nursing Home Scabies Fungus,Xerosis
