  • 期刊


The Analysis of the Participation of APEC Health Projects


目標:提供亞太經濟合作(APEC)會議有關新興傳染病( EID)議題之推動策略及未來發展,探討會員體參與傳染病防治計畫與台灣參與情形。方法:透過APEC的組織架構及運作模式說明衛生議題在APEC亞太區域受到重視的源起,並透過網際網路資料搜尋方式,回溯、分析5年來的 EID相關計畫之報告及相關會議資料。結果:21個會員體5年來執行了11項 EID相關計畫。其中5項計畫已於2001年執行完畢,計畫內容包括電子交換資訊、疾病監測、訓練課程等。計畫參與率最高的是美國(0.9)、韓國次之(0.6)、印尼第三(0.5),台灣則與澳洲、墨西哥、菲律賓、新加坡、泰國並列第四(0.4) 。此外,EID相關計畫亦由原本以新興傳染病議題之討論範疇擴大至醫療衛生照護之層面,使得衛生議題APEC會議上形重要。結論:雖然APEC會員體已經意識到傳染病防治對經貿之影響及其重要性,但是由研究結果發現會員體參與 EID計畫之意願不高,而 EID議題之討論範疇亦擴展至更廣的衛生領域。因此,我國政府與學術界應善用APEC機制,有計畫的主導 EID/衛生議題走向,提出對我國公共衛生發展有利之計畫,對我國傳染病防治與學術研究將有所助益。


Objectives: To describe the APEC regional strategies and future development for communicable diseases, and the participation of member economies. Methods: By introducing the APEC framework and its operational protocol to explain the burgeoning APEC EID strategies. Materials include documents published on APEC ASTweb and EINet and distributed in every biannual ISTWG meeting. Results: Over the period of 1997 to 2001, the ISTWG approved 11 projects, proposed by 4 economies. Among them, 5 projects were completed. The United States of America had the highest participation rate, 0.9, followed by Korea (0.6), Indonesia (0.5). For Taiwan, as well as Australia, Mexican, Philippines, Singapore, and Thailand, the participation rate was 0.4. In addition, we also found that the APEC expands concerns from EIDs to HEALTH issues. Conclusions: Although the APEC member economies realize the influential impact of communicable diseases to the growth rate of trade and economics, our findings suggest the economies’ participation in communicable diseases projects is low, however, the issues are expanding. We would like to encourage the academic institutes to join the health authority to take advantage of the APEC framework as a vehicle to lead or participate in APEC regional projects.




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張鴻仁 Chang, Hong-Jen()。
