  • 期刊


The Prevalence of Substance Use and Physical Abuse during Pregnancy and the Effects on Birth Weight in Ethnic Groups


Objectives: Substance use and physical abuse during pregnancy are known health problems that detrimentally affect maternal health and birth outcomes; however, many health professionals pay little attention to these problems. The aims of this study were to estimate the prevalence of substance use and physical abuse during pregnancy in different ethnic groups and to explore the effects on birth weight. Methods: A total of 481 pregnant women from the Taitung area, including 112 aboriginal and 369 Fukien-Taiwanese women, were recruited between November 2000 and August 2001. A substance use questionnaire, an abuse assessment screening questionnaire, and socio-demographic data were used in the analysis. Results: The prevalence of substance use in aboriginal women during pregnancy was significantly higher than in Fukien-Taiwanese women. There was also a significantly higher rate of physical abuse in aboriginal women (p<0.001). We determined that the birth weight was significantly lower in newborns of mothers who smoked cigarettes or chewed betel quid during pregnancy (p<0.05), but there was no significant association between birth weight and physical abuse. Conclusions: The findings of this study increases knowledge about substance use and physical abuse in pregnant women and provides an incentive to promote maternal and infant health care in the community, especially in aboriginal women.


物質使用 受虐 出生體重 原住民


Objectives: Substance use and physical abuse during pregnancy are known health problems that detrimentally affect maternal health and birth outcomes; however, many health professionals pay little attention to these problems. The aims of this study were to estimate the prevalence of substance use and physical abuse during pregnancy in different ethnic groups and to explore the effects on birth weight. Methods: A total of 481 pregnant women from the Taitung area, including 112 aboriginal and 369 Fukien-Taiwanese women, were recruited between November 2000 and August 2001. A substance use questionnaire, an abuse assessment screening questionnaire, and socio-demographic data were used in the analysis. Results: The prevalence of substance use in aboriginal women during pregnancy was significantly higher than in Fukien-Taiwanese women. There was also a significantly higher rate of physical abuse in aboriginal women (p<0.001). We determined that the birth weight was significantly lower in newborns of mothers who smoked cigarettes or chewed betel quid during pregnancy (p<0.05), but there was no significant association between birth weight and physical abuse. Conclusions: The findings of this study increases knowledge about substance use and physical abuse in pregnant women and provides an incentive to promote maternal and infant health care in the community, especially in aboriginal women.


substance use physical abuse birth weight aborigines


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Larroque B,Kaminski M,Lelong N(1993).Effects on birth weight of alcohol and caffeine consumption during pregnancy.(Am J Epidemiol).


