  • 期刊


The Relationship between Emotional Labor and Mental Health among Nurses in Catholic Hospitals in Taiwan


目標:探討台灣天主教醫院護理人員情緒勞務和心理健康之間的關係。方法:橫斷式、相關性研究,研究對象為6家天主教醫院。以林尚平之情緒勞務量表與世界衛生組織發展的心理健康自評問卷Self Reporting Questionnaire 20(SRQ-20),於2010年7月1日到2010年10月30日蒐集資料。結果:共有653位護理人員進入研究,其中有效問卷624份(95.56%)。以SPSS 18.0之描述性、變異數分析、相關及迴歸等統計檢測後發現:(1)護理人員情緒勞務負擔程度偏高(M±SD=5.41±1.19);心理健康狀況不理想(M±SD=2.81±1.05),SRQ-20 50.4分;(2)情緒勞務的基 本情緒表達、表層情緒控制及心理健康會因教育程度、職務與科別之不同而呈現統計上顯著差異;(3)年齡、年資與基本情緒表達、表層情緒控制及心理健康呈顯著高度正相關;年齡與深層情緒偽裝呈顯著低度正相關;(4)基本情緒表達、表層情緒控制、互動程度、深層情緒偽裝與心理健康呈顯著高度正相關;(5)情緒勞務可解釋心理健康狀況21%變異量。結論:護理人員情緒勞務負擔程度偏高、心理健康狀況不理想。所以,醫療產業對此應加以重視。


Objectives: The present study evaluated the relationship between emotional labor and mental health among nurses in Catholic hospitals in Taiwan. Methods: Based on a cross-sectional and correctional study design, the researcher invited nurses from six Catholic hospitals to participate between July 1 and October 30, 2010. Instruments were the Emotional Labor Scale developed by Shang Ping Lin and the Self Reporting Questionnaire 20 (SRQ-20) developed by the World Health Organization. Results: A total of 653 subjects were invited to participate, and 624 completed questionnaires were returned for an effective response rate of 95.56%. By using descriptive statistics, ANOVA, correlation, and regression analysis in SPSS 18.0, we found that: (1) Subjects had a relative higher degree of emotional labor (M ± SD = 5.41± 1.19) and poorer mental health status (M ± SD = 2.81 ±1.05) as measured by the SRQ-20; of 50.4; (2) There were significant differences in rules for emotional display, superficial acting, and mental health among different groups based on educational level, position, and working department; (3) Age and service seniority had a highly positive correlation with rules for emotional display, superficial acting, and mental health, whereas age was positively associated with deep acting; (4) Rules for emotional display rule, superficial acting, frequency and duration of interaction, and deep acting were highly correlated with mental health; (5) Emotional labor accounted for 21% of the variance in mental health. Conclusions: Nursing staff bear a high level of emotional labor with unsatisfactory mental health status. Administrators should pay close attention to these issues.


行政院主計總處:國民經濟動向統計季報。http://www.dgbas.gov.tw/ct.asp?xItem=17003&ctNode=3572。引用2010/07/12。Directorate-General of Budget, Accounting and Statistics, Exective Yuan, R.O.C.(Taiwan). Quarterly national economic trends. Available at: http://www.dgbas.gov.tw/ct.asp?xItem=17003&ctNode=3572. Accessed July 12, 2012.
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