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Medical care utilization by intimate partner violence victims and associated costs in Taiwan




Objectives: To estimate medical care utilization by intimate partner violence (IPV) victims and the associated costs in Taiwan. Methods: A Ministry of Health and Welfare domestic violence reporting data set containing data of 14,531 IPV victims aged 20-64 years was linked to utilization and cost data from the National Health Insurance (NHI). The NHI data included utilization and costs of medical services, such as impatient, outpatient, and ambulatory care. A comparative analysis of the utilization and costs between IPV victims and non-IPV patients was performed. Results: Compared with non-IPV patients, IPV victims demonstrated higher medical service utilization and associated costs. Moreover, they were considerably more likely to have mental health disorders in inpatient and outpatient settings and have injuries in ambulatory care settings. For IPV victims, the average cost of medical services was NT$56,202 per person per year-approximately 2.4 times higher than that for non-IPV patients. Conclusions: Cost analysis is a tool useful for estimating medical care utilization and associated costs, the results of which can facilitate the formulation of government policies for both IPV prevention and medical service provision.


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