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Importance-performance analysis for the evaluation of care standard operating procedures in Taiwan nursing homes




Objectives: The aim of this study is to identify and prioritize standard operating procedures (SOPs) for nursing home care based on the perceptions of their importance and desirability reported by nursing home administrators. Methods: This was a cross-sectional study. Structured questionnaires were used to measure the perceptions of importance and desirability toward SOPs for care among nursing homes administrators. A paired t-test was used to test the differences between the administrators' perceptions of the importance and desirability of these SOPs. Importance-performance analysis (IPA) was adopted to explore the "concentrate here" items for further improvement. Results: For 34 SOPs, the perceived importance was significantly higher than the perceived performance. In quadrant I items (i.e., concentrate here), administrators perceived SOPs as highly important, and perceptions of desirability were above average, indicating that these SOPs required the greatest attention. Conclusions: Nursing home SOPs not only ensure that nurses and nursing assistants provide complete and accurate nursing home care but also improve the care effectiveness and reduce the care variability. This study revealed that the nursing home scale affects the SOP desirability. The results are useful for identifying areas for strategic focus to facilitate the development of SOPs for nursing home care.


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