  • 期刊


Effect of a 12-week incremental muscle strength training regimen on different physical performance in elderly people


目標:12週漸增式肌力訓練對老年人不同體能表現之成效。方法:招募65歲以上無規律運動習慣60位老年人,依上、下肢肌力(muscle strength)與走路速度檢測結果,分成體能良好組18位、體能普通組16位、體能衰弱組(physical weakness)11位和控制組15位等4組。運動訓練組三組老年人均參與每週兩次、每次約90鐘運動訓練共12週;控制組則正常作息。分別於運動介入前、後評估上、下肢肌力(muscle strength)、單腳站(one leg stance)、10公尺走路速度(10-meter walk speed),與簡易身體功能量表(short physical performance battery, SPPB)。結果:共56位受試者完成本研究,除慢性病罹患率,各組基本資料並無統計差異。經12週漸增式肌力訓練介入後,體能良好組及體能普通組在上、下肢肌力、單腳站立、10m走路速度四項表現達顯著成效;體能衰弱組則在上、下肢肌力、10公尺走路速度三項表現達顯著成效。進一步分析發現在上肢肌力之改變量體能良好及體能普通組顯著高於對照組;在下肢肌力與單腳站立之改變量體能良好及體能普通組顯著高於體能衰弱組及對照組;其餘10公尺走路速度及簡易體能活動組間皆未達顯著差異(p>.05)。結論:12週漸增式肌力訓練對不同體能程度的老年人在各項體能表現皆有促進效果,可提供國內各社區關懷據點,應用於不同體能程度的老年人介入及效益評估之參考。


老年人 肌力 運動訓練 社區環境


Objectives: The effect of 12 weeks of muscle strength training on the physical performance of elderly people was investigated. Methods: This study recruited 60 people older than 65 years and without a regular exercise habit. On the basis of their upper and lower limb muscle strength and walking speed, they were divided into a control group (15 participants) and three training groups, namely high physical fitness (18 participants), general fitness (16 participants), and physical weakness (11 participants) groups. The training groups trained twice weekly for 90 min for 12 weeks, whereas the control group kept their normal routine. Upper and lower limb muscle strength, one-leg stance, 10-m walking speed, and short physical performance battery (SPPB) score were assessed before and after the exercise intervention. Results: A total of 56 subjects completed this research. Except for the prevalence of chronic diseases, no significant differences were discovered in the basic data of the groups. After 12 weeks of incremental muscle training, the high physical fitness and general fitness groups achieved significant improvements in upper and lower limb muscle strength, one-leg stance, and 10-m walking speed. By contrast, the poor physical fitness group significantly improved their upper and lower limb muscle strength and 10-m walking speed. Upon further analysis, we discovered that the improvements in upper limb muscle strength in the high physical fitness and general fitness groups were significantly greater than those in the control group. Moreover, the improvements in lower limb muscle strength and one-leg stance in the high physical fitness and general fitness groups were significantly greater than those in the poor physical weakness and control groups. No clear differences in 10-m walking speed and SPPB score were found (p > .05). Conclusions: The 12-week incremental muscle training benefitted the elderly participants with different physical fitness levels in every aspect of physical performance. This research can be provided as a reference to every community care center in Taiwan to demonstrate an effective exercise intervention and the benefits for elderly people with varying levels of physical fitness.


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