  • 期刊


Family conference communication patterns for end-stage patients




Objectives: Family conferences constitute a vital medium for facilitating open communication between a medical team, a patient, and the patient's family. Confirming the patient's wishes and incorporating their family's views during the formulation of decisions for end-stage medical care are crucial. The objective of this study was to determine the communication patterns arising between the health-care team, the patient, and the patient's family during a family conference for making decisions about end-stage medical care. Methods: This 5-year retrospective analysis reviewed charts for 125 family conference minutes concerning decisions for end-stage medical care; the charts were sourced from 108 patients residing in a regional teaching hospital in Southern Taiwan between 2009 and 2014. Content analysis was conducted to observe the common communication patterns during these family conferences. Results: Although some family conferences reached an agreement that patient willingness and autonomy should be prioritized, few conferences actually involved the patients. Some conferences were even held on the condition of no patient involvement. Our qualitative research identified several family conference communication patterns as follows: (a) patient-oriented patterns, where the patient's thoughts were considered to deliberate the medical decisions; (b) family-oriented patterns, where family members made decisions on behalf of the patient; and (c) medical-oriented patterns, where physicians were trusted to make decisions. Conclusions: The results of this study can serve as a reference for developing effective family conference communication patterns in which patient autonomy in making decisions concerning end-stage medical care is respected, thus promoting shared decision-making.


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