  • 期刊


Meaningful work and life: challenges faced by acute-and critical-care nurses




Objectives: The severity of the COVID-19 epidemic in 2021 in Taiwan doubled the workload of first-line acute- and critical-care nurses and increased their risk of infection. This study explored such nurses' work and personal lives to help hospitals develop auxiliary measures. Methods: This qualitative study interviewed fifteen nurses working in acute- and critical-care units. Results: Three themes were regarding the meaning of the nurses' work during the pandemic were identified: (a) keeping life stable, (b) fulfilling duties, and (c) recognizing self-worth. Four themes regarding the meaning of the nurses' personal lives were identified: (a) caring for families, (b) the impermanence of life and death, (c) doing good, and (d) seizing the day. Conclusions: During the pandemic, the nurses faced challenges at with a positive attitude, which helped them find meaning in their lives. In the limited life course, he left behind a great historical track of defending the health of the Chinese people. This study provides insight into the professional and personal lives of nurses in acute- and critical-care units during the pandemic in Taiwan, and the findings can help policymakers plan for future pandemics.


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