  • 期刊


Relationships among job satisfaction, role conflicts, and intention to stay for case managers of Tier A centers


目標:在長照2.0計畫的推動下,由A單位個案管人員(簡稱A個管)與照顧管理專員共同執行照顧管理機制,卻也產生分工與責任模糊與工作滿意度的問題,如此一來恐將影響A個管之留任意願,為此本研究欲探討A個管的工作滿意度、角色衝突與留任意願之相關性。方法:本研究採橫斷面研究設計,以全台A單位個管人員為對象,利用自填問卷的方式進行資料收集,共計回收236份之A個管的有效自填問卷。經信度與效度分析後,後續以複迴歸分析進行。結果:A個管整體平均工作滿意度為3.48分,整體角色衝突得分為2.88分,留任意願為3.02分。複迴歸分析結果顯示,在工作滿意度中,工作成就構面對留任意願呈顯著負向影響(β= -0.183,p<0.05),薪資福利構面對其有顯著正向影響(β= 0.345,p<0.01);在角色衝突中,僅角色過度負荷構面對留任意願呈顯著負向影響(β=-0.205,p<0.01)。結論:本研究證實A個管的工作成就滿意度、薪資福利滿意度與角色過度負荷皆對其留任意願產生顯著影響,可做為未來強化A個管留任意願之重點改善方向。


Objectives: The Taiwanese government launched the National 10-Year Long-Term Care Plan 2.0, which requires the participation of case managers in long-term community-based integrated care centers (Tier A centers). However, because of the ambiguity in the allocation of responsibilities in long-term care management, it may affect the intention to stay for case managers. This study explored the relationships among job satisfaction, role conflict, and intention to stay for case managers in Tier A centers. Methods: This cross-sectional study collected information from case managers of Tier A centers in Taiwan. A total of 236 valid questionnaires were obtained. After reliability and validity analysis, multiple regression analysis was performed to explore the relationships among job satisfaction, role conflict, and intention to stay. Results: The average scores for job satisfaction, role conflict, and intention to stay were 3.48, 2.88, and 3.02, respectively. Multiple regression analysis revealed that the work accomplishment dimension of job satisfaction had a significant, negative effect on intention to stay (β= -.183, p < .05), but that the pay and benefits dimension had a significant, positive effect on intention to stay (β = .345, p < .01). The role overload dimension of role conflict had a significant, negative effect on intention to stay (β= -.205, p < .01). Conclusions: The work accomplishments, pay and benefits, and role overload dimensions significantly affected intention to stay among case managers of Tier A centers. These findings can be used to increase intention to stay among case managers.


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