  • 期刊

Heat Stroke: A Case Report and Review of the Literature



中暑這醫療上的急症通常表現為超過40度的高燒及神智變化。除非能盡快診斷、立即給予降溫及重要器官保存治療,患者常會死亡,即使不死也會留下諸多後遺症,急性呼吸窘迫症候群於今年三月開始威脅全球,臺灣的疫性也於次月開始加溫。衛生主管機關於 要求所有發燒超過38度的患者必須於發燒隔离區正理。發燒隔离區嚴格的防疫措施使得醫療診斷及處理的效率大幅下降。在此急性呼吸窘迫症候群當紅季節,要獲得如往日一般品質的醫療服務,患者與醫療人員都必須付出更大的代價。


Heat stroke is a medical emergency that usually presents with a fever beyond 40°C and consciousness disturbance. Without rapid recognition and treatment including cooling and vital organ support, fatal outcome is often inevitable, while significant sequelae are the rule in survivors. A global alert of severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) was announced in March 2003, and it flared up in Taiwan 1 month later. Soon thereafter, febrile patients with temperature above 38°C were regulated to be managed in fever isolation units. Restrictive quarantine greatly slowed down the efficiency of medical management. In this SARS season, greater costs were paid, by both the patient and medical provider, to maintain a previous level of qualified medical services.
