  • 期刊


Review Authority of Taiwan's Land Registration Offices




Regarding the review authority of land registration agencies, domestic theories in general propose either substantive examination for rights registration system or formality examination for deeds registration. Considering that Taiwan's registration offices employ rights registration system, substantive examination should be applied. However, doctrines have different opinions on the connotations of substantive and formality examinations; moreover, no agreement is reached regarding the type of review system Taiwan should employ, rendering divergent opinions and practices. Therefore, clarification and definition are needed. This study mainly adopted literature analysis method and judicial interpretation perspective to organize early domestic theories and analyze foreign (i.e., Japanese) theories on the legislation procedures of real estate registration review system, thereby addressing the review authority of registration agencies in Taiwan. According to the results, the general domestic theories originated from the early doctrines proposed by Shih Shang-kuan and were subsequently influenced by Japanese doctrines from the same period, primarily the theories developed by Shun'ichi Suginohara. Although these doctrines have long been subverted, they are still being cited to this day. Regarding the review authority of land registration offices, only the formality examination is allowed in the current domestic review system, regardless of whether it is for deeds or rights registration. However, this form of the review system defers from the conventional domestic theories. Regarding the review subjects, formality examination system warrants the authority to review the formal requirements for registration application under the registration law as well as substantive requirements under the substantive law (rights regarding real estates). In addition, the review method is mainly based on passivity and documentary review methods. even though the review system of Taiwan's registration agencies is closely related to the rights and obligations of people, no existing law regulates relevant affairs. This is a problem that needs urgent solution and must be reviewed and reestablished promptly, so as to ensure the security of real estate transactions and property rights of the people.


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