  • 期刊


The practical approach of rural industry development: taking the Xingjian community of Sansing in Yilan County as an example


世界各國面臨農業結構調整不易問題,以致農民收入不豐,農村人口老化、勞動力外移與公共基礎建設不足等問題所生之生活品質下降,無法吸引產業進駐與人口移入農村。歐盟於1999年簽訂「2000年議程」將鄉村發展納入CAP(Common Agriculture Policy)第二政策支柱,明定鄉村發展目標為豐富地方認同感、創造鄉村資產等。OECD於2006年倡議新鄉村典範(New Rural Paradigm),作為成員國制定個別鄉村發展策略的途徑;再於2016年提出新鄉村發展政策(New Rural Development Paradigm for developing countries),提供開發中國家建構其鄉村發展政策的框架,顯示國際間對於農村發展的重視,而我國亦於2010年通過農村再生條例以為建設富麗農村的立法依據。文獻回顧理解國家面對農業衰退衍生的農村問題,於各階段所提出的農村建設內涵,多從提升農民收入、生活品質到健全生產基礎設施。我國則以農村再生政策作為推動農村發展的依據,係透過自主性地由下而上途徑,由農村居民共同發掘農村內部問題。在領導人的領導下,整合在地資源與外部組織資源,共同解決農村社會與經濟發展困境。本文整理宜蘭縣三星鄉行健村的農村田野調查,觀察農村的社會與經濟條件得以改善,關鍵在於動員居民參與地方事務,而居民集體行動的動力又源自於地方領導人的領導與外部組織的激勵。本文亦發現農民提供公共財與服務需出於自願,而政府亦非唯一的公共資金的分配者。地方領導人運用創新的公私協力的制度安排與協調機制,對於地方上的農業公共財與服務予以管理,其中,地方領導人結合以學習為基礎的方式,視農民為知識的夥伴關係,於互動過程中產生不同尺度內所蘊含的知識,進而創造不同組織間知識上的差異。此外,地方領導人發揮其社會企業精神,提出發展農村產業之創新途徑,透過合作社組織,引導社會資源投入農村,從個別農民轉型為合作社組織,降低個別農民的生產成本,並共同維護農村的生態環境,有助在地觀光產業發展,形成農村網(Rural Web)的發展模式,共同實踐居民與農民對於農村永續發展的願景。


Countries around the world are facing difficulties in adjusting agricultural structures, resulting in poor farmers' incomes, aging rural populations, labor migration, and inadequate public infrastructure. The quality of life caused by these problems has declined, and they are unable to attract industrial entry and population migration into the countryside. The European Union signed the "Agenda 2000" in 1999 to incorporate rural development into the second policy pillar of the CAP (Common Agriculture Policy), and set the goal of rural development to enrich local identity and create rural assets. The OECD initiated the New Rural Paradigm in 2006 as a way for their member states to formulate individual rural development strategies; in 2016, they proposed the New Rural Development Paradigm for developing countries to provide developing countries with the framework of the rural development policy shows the international emphasis on rural development, and the Taiwan passed the Rural Revitalization Act in 2010 as the legislative basis for building a rich countryside. Literature review that the country face the rural problems arising from the agricultural recession, and the connotation of rural construction put forward at various stages, mostly from improving farmers' income and quality of life to improving production infrastructure. In Taiwan, the rural regeneration policy is used as the basis for promoting rural development. The rural residents jointly explore rural internal problems through an autonomous bottom-up approach. Under the leadership of leaders, integrate local resources and external organization resources to jointly solve the dilemma of rural social and economic development. This article summarizes the rural field survey of Xingjian Village, Sansing Township, Yilan County, and observes that the social and economic conditions in rural areas have improved. The key lies in mobilizing residents to participate in local affairs, and the motivation for collective action of residents comes from the leadership of local leaders and external organizations. This article also finds that farmers need to provide public goods and services on a voluntary basis and that the government is not the only the distributor of public funds leaders use innovative institutional arrangements and coordination mechanisms for public-private collaboration to manage local agricultural public finances and services. Among them, the local leaders combine some learning-based approaches and treat these farmers as knowledge-based partnerships and interact with each other. In these process, the knowledge contained in different scales is generated, which in turn creates knowledge differences between different organizations. In addition, local leaders give play to their social entrepreneurial spirit, propose innovative ways to develop rural industries, guide social resources into the countryside through cooperative organizations, transform from individual farmers to cooperative organizations, reduce the production costs of individual farmers, and jointly maintain rural ecology. The environment is conducive to the development of the local tourism industry, forming a development model of the Rural Web, and jointly implementing the vision of residents and farmers for sustainable rural development.


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