  • 學位論文


指導教授 : 李素馨


全球環境變遷問題已嚴重衝擊生態系統,以農地生態系為例,由於人口持續增加,人類對居住空間之需求,導致農地產生劇烈變遷,進而造成未來糧食問題更形嚴重。臺灣因地窄人稠、經濟快速發展,也面臨生態環境損壞的問題,尤其2000年臺灣農地政策開放之後,造成城鎮邊緣農地地景急劇變遷,已引發學者專家的高度關注,至今卻仍缺乏有效的理論與研究以研擬具體可行之農地地景保育對策。故本研究以生境理論(Biotope Theory)以及生態系統服務(Ecosystem Services)為理論基礎,透過生境地圖之建構、生境價值指標的擬定與評估、地景預測模式的建立、生境價值之時序分析以及農村地景保育策略之研議等研究主題的探究,為臺灣農村地景保育提出建議。此模式不但立基於生態保育觀點,而運用MA之生態系統服務指標與內涵進行生境價值的評估,亦符合國際目前生態保育發展趨勢;在這樣的框架下,再以臺灣農村地景變遷為探究背景,運用臺灣現行之土地分類系統為生境分類重要指標,透過農村地景變遷與生境價值之動態分析探究之,提出農村地景保育策略。 本文以宜蘭縣三星鄉為研究案例,提出保育對策,並進而提出理想之農村空間配置,不過這樣的理想空間配置仍需住宅控制方能達成。農地急速消失所帶來的影響,除了造成未來農業生產可能匱乏之隱憂外,農村生態系統的維繫、開放空間的提供以及優美景緻價值之保育等,亦將隨著農村地景的變遷而減損其原有功能與價值。由本研究提出之農村地景保育模式應可為決策者在進行農村地景規劃與管理提供發展方向。


The global environmental change has caused great impacts on the ecosystems. For example, agro-ecosystems have been destroyed due to increasing population growth and demands for living space. This situation led to dramatic changes in agricultural produce and accelerated the problem of food crisis in the future. Taiwan is also facing the problem of agro-ecosystem destruction because of its dense population and rapid economic development. Especially since the enactment of Agricultural Development Act Amendment in 2000, the farmland landscape around urban were dramatically changed and increased the attentions of landscape researchers. However, there was little research to develop effective practical tool for rural landscape conservation. Biotope theory and Ecosystem Services are used as theoretical basis and several research themes, including biotope mapping, indicators and assessment of biotope value, landscape prediction model, biotope value temporal analysis, as well as rural landscape conservation strategy are linked to construct Taiwan's rural landscape conservation model. This model not only base on conservation viewpoint, but line with international conservation development trends making use of ecosystem service indicators of MA to assess biotope value. In such a framework, this thesis take Taiwan's rural landscape changes as background, Taiwan's landuse classification system as classification indicators, to provide rural landscape conservation scheme through dynamic analysis of rural landscape change and biotope value. This thesis selected Sanshing Township, in Taiwan Yilan, as a study area. Finally, it provides several conservation strategies and ideal rural spatial patterns. But it still needs house controlling to achieve the goal. Rapid disappearance of agricultural land not only results in decreasing of future agricultural production, but also causes changes in the rural ecosystem in maintaining its open space and scenic views. The result of this study proposes effective and practical conservation suggestion of the rural landscape biotope model for future policy decision-making.


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