  • 期刊

The Design of Fuzzy Collision-Avoidance Expert System Implemented by H(subscript ∞)-Autopilot

輔以H(下標 ∞)-控制操舵系統之模糊避碰系統的設計



船舶避碰是海上運輸中相當重要課題之一。不論從以前傳統的目視航行到現在藉著電子設備來輔助航行,當船舶面臨碰撞危機時幾乎都還是依賴航行者的經驗。這種方式在以前交通不是如此擁擠時還能使用,但在現今海上貿易量大幅增加且船舶趨向大型化下,除了船舶的噸位、速度、數量都急劇增加外,再加上海上林立的鑽探設施,使得現在的海上交通日趨複雜,因此如果我們仍延用以往的方式來解決碰撞問題,則很可能會因爲人爲的疏忽而造成無法挽回的損失。這一點在開闊水域尚且如此,如果船舶在一些非開闊水域中將會更爲明顯!本文利用H(下标 ∞)-控制和模糊理論來設計的H(下标 ∞)-操控避碰系統,協助航行官員處理有關船舶在面對障礙物或在分道航行制中橫越巷道時之避碰的問題。當吾船與目標船或障礙物之間遭遇碰撞危機時,本研究所設計之模糊避碰系統能夠適時採取避碰措施,以化解碰撞危機。而此避碰系統所建議的避碰航向方面的操控,則是直接由本文所設計的H(下标 ∞)-控制之操舵系統來執行。最後本文經由電腦模擬來驗證所設計之避碰操舵系統的可行性;模擬結果顯示:當吾船航行於非開闊水域之中,此避碰操舵系統確實能夠化解碰撞危機。




Collision avoidance is one of the urgent topics on ship voyage at sea. Experts' experience is still essential when a ship is in the danger of colliding with the others nowadays although a lot of electronic voyage supported apparatuses have been equipped on ships. To include these experts' experiences to resolve the problems of collision, we design a fuzzy collision-avoidance expert system that includes a knowledge base to store facts and rules, an inference engine to simulate experts' decision and a fuzzy interface device. Either a quartermaster or an autopilot system can then implement the avoidance action proposed in the research. To perform the ship task of collision-avoidance effectively, a robust autopilot system that is based on the state space H(subscript ∞) control methodology is designed to steer a ship safely for various outer surroundings at sea in performing course keeping, course-changing and route-tracking more robustly. The integration of fuzzy collision-avoidance and H(subscript ∞) autopilot systems is then proposed in this paper.
