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The Effects of Advertising Message Appeals, Message Framing, Message Source Credibility, and Need for Cognition on Advertising Performance



本研究探討廣告的訊息訴求方式、訊息正反性、訊息來源可信度與消費者 認知需求程度等四個變數,對廣告效果的直接影響及交互作用。其中,訊息訴求方式分為理性訴求與感性訴求、訊息正反性分為正面訊息及反面訊息、訊息來源可信度分為高可信度及低可信度、消費者之認知需求則分為高認知需求及低認知需求,前三者以2x2x2的實驗設計操弄,消費者之認知需求由問卷衡量而得,廣告效果則以廣告態度、產品態度、及購買意願衡量之。實驗樣本來自國立成功大學的217位學生。在統計方法上使用了獨立樣本t檢定與雙因子變異數分析來驗證假設。 在直接效果方面,本研究結果指出,訊息來源可信度對廣告效果有直接正 向的影響;正面訊息的廣告對消費者之購買意願的影響會優於反面訊息的廣告;低認知需求的消費者之廣告效果較好。在交互作用方面,本研究結果指出,消費者的認知需求程度不同會干擾訊息訴求方式、訊息正反性、訊息來源可信度對廣告效果的影響關係。高認知需求程度之消費者,較偏好理性訴求的廣告及反面訊息的廣告;而低認知需求之消費者,則偏好感性訴求的廣告與正面訊息的廣告;高可信度的訊息來源對低認知需求者比對高認知需求者更重要。再者,訊息來源可信度分別與訊息訴求方式及訊息正反性,對廣告效果有顯著的交互作用。當高可信度之訊息來源搭配理性訴求,低可信度之訊息來源搭配感性訴求,會產生較佳之廣告效果,又訊息來源可信度為低時,更應配合正面訊息。


This study examines the direct and interactive effects of advertising message appeals, message framing, message source credibility, and need for cognition (NFC) of consumers on advertising performance measured by advertising attitude, product attitude and consumers' purchase intention. Message appeals (rational and emotional), message framing (positive and negative), and message source credibility (high and low) are manipulated in a 2x2x2 factorial experiment. Experimental samples are 217 students in National Cheng Kung University. In the statistical method, this study utilizes independent sample t test and two-way ANOVA to test thehypotheses. Regarding the direct effects, the results of this study indicate that message source credibility has positive effect on advertising performance, the positively framed messages result in better purchase intention than negatively framed ones, and low-NFC consumers perceive better advertising performance than high-NFC consumers. Regarding the interactive effects, this study finds that NFC can moderate the effects of message appeals, message framing, and message source credibility on advertising performance. Specifically, while high-NFC consumers prefer the messages of rational appeals and the negatively framed messages, low-NFC consumers respond favorably to the messages of emotional appeals and the positively framed messages, and the message source credibility is more important to low-NFC consumers than high-NFC consumers. Moreover, this study also finds that when message sources with higher credibility present rational messages and message sources with lower credibility present emotional messages, there are more favorable effects on advertising performance. In addition, message sources with lower credibility should present the positively framed messages.


林妤榛(2011)。政治涉入程度、訊息來源可信度、 正負性訊息以及訊息訴求方式對 廣告影響效果之研究〔碩士論文,淡江大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6846/TKU.2011.00438
