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The Mispricing and Price Reversals of Stock Index Futures in Taiwan




This study combines intra-day and daily data to investigate how futures mispricing at the point of stock closing results in the subsequent returns of futures in very short term, short term and a period of time. The result of this study reveals that the mispricing of futures affects the futures return in the subsequent 15 minutes. It also causes significant opposite influence on the next-day returns of futures, which even predicts the trend reverse of futures. If we regard the over-estimated (under-estimated) futures as the winners (losers), the significant reversal effect exists between the stock index futures. The above results display the contribution of this study. That is, the mispricing of futures at the point of stock closing is information contented. Through the modification of price in the next trading days, the price trend of different kinds of stock index futures rotates and the reversal effect is triggered between winner and loser futures. Such information content can predict not only the futures returns of the next day but also the futures trends over the upcoming month.


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