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Collective Bricolage and Performativity Co-creation: 185 Farmers' Market as an Ecosystem




農夫市集 生態系統 隨創 展演 價值共創


Drawing on bricolage and performativity perspectives, this study explores the value co-creation of 185 Farmers' Market as an ecosystem. This study had observed and participated the market for more than one year. In addition, semi-structured interviews were used for qualitative data collection. Key stakeholders including the host, co-host, and farmers were interviewed. This study finds that actors of 185 Farmers' Market configure the ecosystem through collective bricolage, experiencing three stages: "familiar bricolage stage", "experimental bricolage stage", and "convention-based bricolage stage", to formalize the process of organizing the market. In the market event (or action), actors get feedback to modify conventions through performativity toward the common goal. Meanwhile, the resource gap created by interactions among actors drives the ecosystem moving on to the next stage. The process exhibits the stability and change of an ecosystem and leads to value co-creation. Since 185 Farmers' Market located in Satoyama has unique nature and human characteristics, the ecosystem reveals the contextual value embedded in the field.


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