  • 學位論文


A Novel On-line Business Model of Organic Farming and Fresh Produce

指導教授 : 游張松


有機農產品的栽種不使用農藥、除草劑與化學肥料,能夠減少上述資材人體健康傷害與環境的汙染,同時保持生態多樣性,使田間生物免於毒素累積或消失的命運。然而,有機農產品有隱藏特性的性質,在市場上生產者握有比消費者更多的產品製造資訊,如果不能解決有機產品真實性不易判別的問題,誠實的友善耕作生產者將爭取不到交易的機會,而發生反淘汰的現象最終導是市場失靈。 有鑑於此,政府多年來進行安全食品檢驗與驗證機制,提供有機耕作生產者表達產品利益的管道,也幫助消費者辨別商品的真偽。但是標章與有機產品的鑑別法則眾多,常引起消費者辨識混亂,消基會也多次查獲標章偽造或是經過認證的產品含有農藥的情況,打擊標章系統的公信力。 另一方面,許多零售商與有機農場合作形成產銷鏈,這些農場以大型生產者為主,而有機耕作的小農在現行的市場上不容易找到穩定合作的通路,而通路商本身的營運成本高,回饋給生產者的報酬常常低於售價的一半。 對於許多消費者而言,現行市場上的有機農產品價格高且真實性不明。電子商務宅配生鮮農產品的渠道,雖然比起一般實體商店能提供更多產地、標章的訊息,但是生鮮產品保存期限短,對於有高頻率、單次購買量少的消費族群而言,網購反而需要負擔高昂的運費。 本研究希望透過新平台的營運模式,透過團購、線上與線下社群的經營降低營運成本,發揮社群傳播對於友善耕作環境的正向影響力,有助於友善耕作小農銷售產品並顯示產品的真實性。


Organic framing adapts more eco-friendly method of production process by not using any pesticide and chemical fertilizer. On the other hand, the traditional agriculture in Taiwan rely heavily on pesticide and chemical fertilizer, which leads to environmental pollution and ecological imbalance. Since our living space cannot be isolated from the nature environment, the negative effects that pesticide and other chemical substances bring along also endanger human health. Despite the merits of organic farming and organic food, the intrinsic value and more importantly, its authenticity are not easy to differentiate from those are not organically produced. We called this feature of organic produce as “hidden characteristics”. The hidden-characteristics nature of organic produce could ultimately cause adverse selection, which means that the produce with less intrinsic value will actually be sold and purchased on the market, rather than the produce that authentically outstand. In The long run, the good produce will overstock and the bad ones will be traded on the market. Eventually, market failure occurs. To prevent market failure in organic produce market, over the years, the government strived to build up a certification system, stressing the credibility of proofed organic produce. However, consumers are often confused by several legalized marks. In addition, there are several incidents that the so-called organic produce actually contains pesticide. The confusing organic authentication marks and the fraud organic cases make the official organic authentication less credible. Currently, retailers are cooperating with several organic farms, building up its own supply chains. For those small size organic farms, it is never easy to find satiable retailer partners. And for those already worked with organic produce chain stores, they often received payment under 50% of price that the produce sold in stores. For consumers who do not regularly purchase organic food, they consider that the price is too high and some of them do not have faith in official authentication. Compared with organic food stores, the product information is revealed a lot more on the internet websites such as some organic food e-commerce. But to those who buy organic produce frequently yet in a small amount, buying on-line impose them with lots of freight. In order to fulfill the unmet needs of consumers and small size organic farm, this paper develops a new platform, a new business model to make it work. By means of on-line and off-line social network operation and group buy, the new model could stress credible authentication of organic produce. In addition, with lower cost, the model ensures a higher return for the farmers.


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