  • 學位論文


E-commerce innovative Business Model for the food supply chain of catering industry

指導教授 : 游張松


台灣最美的,不僅僅是人,還有來自世界知名的美食。除了路邊的特色小吃之外,多元化、創意十足的餐飲環境,許多日式料理、西洋餐廳、東南亞美食也紛紛進駐台灣,使得台灣有美食王國的佳名。近十年來,不僅餐飲店家數年年成長,餐飲總營業額更是維持在一個穩定的成長率,餐飲業提升了整體國民生活水準、刺激消費擴大內需,可謂是台灣經濟成長的一大動能。 然而隨著人力成本、物料成本的提升再加上消費者的要求越來越高,使得已經發展趨於成熟,競爭激烈的餐飲業,更加難以生存。近年來食安風暴越演越烈,目前多數餐廳面臨著低利潤、高成本的困境,必須在成本以及品質之間的做抉擇,這之中的風險與成本也終將轉嫁到消費者身上,衝擊整體餐飲市場的發展,若不正視,恐怕將影響台灣經濟環境。 對餐飲業而言,食材供應鏈是餐廳的命脈,舉凡食材成本、食材品質以及食品安全等都與食材採購有巨大的關係,也是餐廳是否能夠在這片競爭激烈的紅海中生存的關鍵因素。食材採購是一個典型的雙邊市場,目前台灣現有食材採購方式多呈現分散、小量且麻煩等問題,而缺乏一個中間媒合商透過科技化管理來整合這些需求,達到規模經濟效益,保障食材品質,同時也降低整體食材成本,改善台灣餐飲市場目前面臨的窘境。 本研究首先研究台灣整體餐飲市場概況,在針對現有食材採購方式做比較以及痛點分析,藉此了解目前台灣餐飲供應鏈市場之痛點與潛在商機。最後再以價值創造循環與創新循環架構,探討如何以永續發展為目標,設計以高品質、低價格以及便利性為主張的餐飲食材電商商業創新商業模式。


VCC VPS 規模經濟 食安風暴 雙邊市場


Food industry plays an extremely important role when it comes to Taiwan’s economic environment. Not only night market and street food, but also the richness of restaurants made Taiwan a place renowned for it’s gourmet. With such a suitable and creative environment, more and more exotic restaurants such as Japanese, Thai, and Vietam ones were introduced from elsewhere to Taiwan. As a result, whether the economic environment is good or not, Taiwan’s catering industry has always performed well recently. However, with the labor and material cost become higher and higher, and the consumers’ demand is harder to meet, which all make the catering industry more and more competetive. Most of the restaurants are now facing a decision between cost and quality. And the risk of it will pass on to the consumers, which may become a vicious circle that impacts on the overall catering environment. If we don’t take it seriously, it may cause a big influence on Taiwan’s economic performance in the long run. For restaurants, food supply chain matters a lot. No matter the purchase cost, food quality or the food safety problems all have a lot to do with food purchasing. Nevertheless, with the dispersion of the market and opaque information problem, food purchasing market is a typical two-sided market. The extensive problem makes it reasonable to create an intermediate platform in order to lower the purchase cost, increase the food quality, and better the problems that Taiwan’s restaurants are now facing. This study analyzes the pain and the potential commercial opportunities behind through looking into the catering industry, and breaking down the problem that is correlated with food purchasing. Finally uses the Vision-Postion-Scenario and Value Creation Cycle model to dicuss how to design an intermediate platform that offers high quality, low cost food material, and convenience to middle-scale restauarant owners that betters off the overall environment.


(1) 李佩穎(民 103)。《有機生鮮農產品線上銷售創新商業模式》。國立臺灣大學商學 研究所碩士論文,未出版,臺北市。
(1) Yu, Chang-Sung. “A Novel VCC and Business Model for Designer Entrepreneurs” Global Business & International Management Conference (2012).
(1) 中國B2B研究中心/各路「玩家」激戰食材供應鏈 餐飲食材B2B電商藍海變紅海


