  • 期刊


Taiwan Execute Committee of Kuomintang, 1945-1949



抗戰期間,返回大陸的臺胞組織許多抗日團體,後經中國國民黨總裁蔣中正先生指示組織部長朱家驊予以支持,於是在民國29年(1940)9月,核准設立「中國國民黨中央組織部直屬臺灣黨部籌備處」,爲中國國民黨設立臺灣黨務機構的開始。抗戰勝利後,34年(1945)9月,改直屬臺灣黨部爲「臺灣省執行委員會」,臺灣省黨部正式設立。同年10月,臺灣省黨部遷臺,並於35年2月正式辦公。 當時臺灣民眾對「三民主義」、「中國國民黨」幾無認識,臺灣省黨部在如此環境中,積極從事組織訓練與宣傳,爲政府遷臺以後中國國民黨的改造,奠下基礎。本文試以目前所能掌握的史料,爲臺灣省黨部在臺灣光復初期的發展過程留下記錄,並探討其在當時複雜的政治環境中所扮演的角色,最後在黨員吸納、人事安排等方面提出檢討。


During the war of resistance against Japanese, some Taiwasese back to Mainland China to set up organizations for resistance against Japanese. These organizations were support by Kuomintang Chief Chiang Kai-shek and then were reorganized into a commission belonged to the Center Committee of Kuomintang. This is the first commission of the Kuomintang part in the Taiwan. After war, this commission was formally established under the name of Taiwan Execute Committee, and its position was promoted as a province. In October of 1945, Taiwan Execute Committee moved to Taiwan. and began to perform official business in February of 1946. At that time, Taiwanese had no idea about Three Principles and Kuomintang. Taiwan Execute Committee was devoted to organization discipline and promotion. This engagement was the foundation of the reform of Kuomintang in 1950's. By employing the limited materials, this article intends to take down the undertaking of Taiwan Execute Committee during 1945-1949, to discuss its role under that complicated political environment, and finally, to present drawbacks in the recruitment of party members, the arrangement of personnel and the manners of form over material.
