  • 期刊

The Perception of Tibet in China: Between Disdain and Fascination




中國人眼中的西藏爲西方對西藏的理解,提供了豐富的對比材料。西藏,從西元七世紀前半葉開始,從吐蕃帝國建立到今日,一直是中國的一部分,唐朝的中文文獻中,西藏人被描繪成獸性、未開化的種族,他們的特性是喜擴張、好戰和殘忍;在吐蕃王國滅亡以後,西藏不再對中國造成過任何軍事上的威脅,因此,中國對西藏的印象也發生了改變。從元朝(1276-1368)起,藏傳佛教開始在中國與西藏關係上扮演重大角色,中國對西藏的理解變得具肯定性及正面性,到了滿清王朝(1644-1911),想利用藏傳佛教作爲統治蒙古人的工具,因此對西藏極感興趣,而西藏作爲藏傳佛教搖籃之正面形象與落後、遲鈍、不文明的西藏人形象正形成鮮明對比。 中華人民共和國成立後,在1950年至1951年和西藏合併,西藏在中國的形象發生重大改變,爲了使中國對西藏開化的使命合法化,中國大多數的漢族開始以極負面的方式把“舊”西藏描繪成“人間地獄”,擁有奴隸的主人被描寫成濫用宗教、殘酷剝削大眾的人;對西藏這種非常負面的形象從1979年開始,也統是毛政權以後的時代有了新的轉變,這個時期的西藏突然變成中國漢族作家、音樂家和藝術家的創作靈成泉源。藏傳佛教對於受過教育的中國城市居民來說具有一定的吸引力,由於受西方的影響,中國人浪漫地把西藏理解成人間樂園(所謂香格里拉),然而同時也發現中國對西藏傳統有負面的議題。


The Chinese images of Tibet provide rich comparative material for the recently discussed issue of the perception of Tibet in the West. Tibet has been a part of the Chinese world order since the founding of the Tibetan Empire in the first half of the 7(superscript th) century. In the T'ang dynasty Chinese sources Tibetans are stereotypically-like other ”barbarians”-depicted as an animal-like uncivilized ethnic group which is expansive, bellicose and cruel. After the disintegration of Tibet, it never again posed a military menace for China and therefore its image underwent certain changes. From the Yuan Dynasty (1276-1368) Tibetan Buddhism started to play an important role in Sino-Tibetan relations. Therefore Tibet was perceived in a more positive way as a source of this distinctive religious tradition and in particular the Manchu-Chinese Ch'ing Dynasty (1644-1911) showed a great interest in Tibet with the aim of using Tibetan Buddhism as a tool in ruling the Mongols. The positive image of Tibet as a cradle of Tibetan Buddhism contrasted with the portrayal of Tibetans as backward, dull and uncivilized. Since the foundation of the People's Republic of China and the incorporation of Tibet in 1950-1951 the image of Tibet in China has undergone deep changes. In order to legitimize its civilizing mission the Han-Chinese majority has depicted the ”old” Tibet in a very negative way, as a kind of ”hell on earth”, where the slave-owners were misusing religion and exploiting the masses in a brutal manner. This strong negative image of Tibet has partly changed during the post-Maoist period since 1979, when Tibet suddenly became a source of inspiration for Han-Chinese writers, musicians and artists. Tibetan Buddhism has had a certain appeal for educated Han-Chinese urban citizens and one can also encounter the romantic perception of Tibet as a Shangri-La which has entered the Chinese imagination due to Western influence. However, simultaneously one can also trace traditional negative topoitowards Tibetans.


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