  • 期刊


Ruyu Zhou and the Political Contention in Mid Southern Song Dynasty




趙汝愚 韓侂冑 宗室 外戚 慶元黨禁


Ruyu Zhou (1140-1196) took Zizhi as his byname; he was an eighth generation offspring of Emperor SongTaiZong. After Song Dynasty moved down to the south, his family was relocated at Yugan. In the 2nd year of Qiandao Period, he was the top on the list of those who passed the highest imperial civil service examination, which was a success unprecedented in his family. At first, he was called upon and given a position at the Library of Royal House(秘書省) to be in charge of printing and proof-reading. Knowing that Emperor Shiaozong was intent to regain the lost North, Ruyu submitted a statement on how to improve administration, which was greatly appreciated by the Emperor. Ruyu was then moved up the ladder and appointed as the head of Shu District (now Sichuan Province). At the 2nd year of ShaoXi Period in Emperor Guangzong's reign, Ruyu was called back to the central government and given the position as the Head of Government Officials(吏部尚書); within 2 years' time, he took the post of officer(院事) in Council of Military Affairs(樞密院). At the 5th year of ShaoXi Period in the summer, Emperor Shiaozong died; Emperor Guangzong was too sick to be in charge of the funeral, so Ruyu suggested the Grandmother Queen-Wu to sit behind a screen as the real decision maker in the court and asked Emperor Guangzong to emthrone his son, King Jia as the succeeding Emperor. Tuozho Han was the nephew to the Grandmother Queen-Wu and also the great great uncle of the newly-made Queen-Han, wife to the new Emperor (King Jia). Ruyu then asked Tuozho Han to pass the message since he was related to the royal house in so many aspects. In the new regime, Ruyu served as the Prime Minister and Tuozo Han considered himself as having great contribution in the new power structure; Han asked to be appointed as a District Military Head sent by the central government(節度使)but was refused by Ruyu, thus starting to hate Ruyu. Han said bad words about Ruyu before the new Emperor Ningzong (King Jia), indicating that ”relatives of the royal house serving in decision making position will do harm to the government.” Ruyu was by that time the promoted from Head of Military Affairs(樞密使) to serve as Chief Prime Minister(右丞相); he wanted to discipline the court and was reluctant in giving positions away as political bargains; those who did not get what they wanted thus hated Ruyu. Tuozo Han recommended those batch to serve as Counselors for Impeachment (臺諫), who, one after another, reported to Emperor Ningzong that Ruyu was ambitious and coveted the crown. Emperor Ningzong believed Tuozo Han and his supporters and gave a verdict to ask Ruyu to step down from his Prime Minister position in the 1st year of Qingyuan Period (1195). But that did not appease the antagonism against Ruyu; they kept writing unfavorable reports, until eventually Ruyu was dispatched to serve as the Deputy District Military Head at Ninyuan(寧遠軍節度副使) and Head of Civil Engineering at Yongzhou(永州安置). On his way to Yongzhou, Ruyu got sick while he got to Hengzhou and died. Touzo Han did not stop after he had successfully dispelled Ruyu; he accused scholars like Xi Zhu(朱熹), Guinian Peng(彭龜年) and Fuliang Chen(陳傅良), who befriended Ruyu as conspirators and banned Taoism as false scholarship-the learning those scholars advocated. This was termed as ”Qingyuan Ban on Political Parties”. Tuozo Han hence secured power, and ushered in unceasing political struggles that were to weaken Southern Song Dynasty little by little.



