  • 期刊


The Coming of Ethical State: Green's Philosophical Reformation of Classical Liberalism and Its Democratic Practice Implication


本文旨在考察格林是如何從基督教神學的道德信條中,汲取西方民主實踐哲思的倫理內涵,以對19 世紀英國古典自由主義哲學的不足進行增補與改造之工作。關於格林的道德與政治思想對英國現代自由民主理論的發展帶來何種影響之研究,時常是從自由主義哲學的個體主義或集體主義思想立場著手解讀。但此類研究路徑,多有假定自由主義為單義,而把格林的思想主張安置在一個二元的思維框架內進行討論之傾向。不同於此傳統的解讀方式,本文將從格林對古典自由主義哲學的承繼與批判,以及他如何基於其批判,轉化基督教神學的道德實踐主張,進而開展出一套側重公民參與的倫理國家理論這兩方面著手,以指陳格林的思想論述是如何憑藉其獨特的國家概念,對其後英國知識分子的民主實踐活動帶來了深遠影響。


This article aims to investigate how Green reformed the 19th-century classical liberalism philosophy by articulating the ethical and the democratic practice implication in Christian theological moral tenets. In the current studies concerning the impact of Green's moral and political thought on the development of British modern liberal democratic theory, the interpretations are commonly about the dualistic standing of liberal philosophy, individualism and collectivism. This approach, however, tends to assume that liberalism is unitary and confine the discussion on Green's philosophical thought to a dualistic framework. In contrast with that interpretive approach, the present article investigates Green's reformation of classical liberalism philosophy from two aspects: the intellectual connections between Green's philosophical thought and the classical liberalism philosophy, and how Green transformed and utilized Christian moral practical assertions to develop a theory of ethical state that emphasizes the significance of citizens' participation in democracy. Ultimately, this article argues that the impact of Green's philosophical thought on the democratic praxis of those British intellectuals after Green was derived from Green's unique conception of the state.


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Arneson, R. J.(1982).Democracy and Liberty in Mill's Theory of Government.Journal of the History of Philosophy.20(1),43-64.
