  • 期刊


How Does an Environmental Act Enter the Policy Agenda and Become a Law? A Case Study of the Greenhouse Gas Reduction and Management Act (2006-2015)


本文聚焦《溫室氣體減量及管理法》(簡稱《溫管法》)之立法過程,試圖解答《溫管法》如何進入政策議程,又如何才獲得立法通過?透過深度訪談取得之第一手資料,本文以Kingdon(1984,1995)多元流框架(the multiple streams framework, MSF)的三股量流—問題流、政策流與政治流,解釋《溫管法》從2006年提出到2015年通過的歷程。研究結果顯示:問題流方面,2005年《京都議定書》生效推動國內提出《溫管法》草案,2009年哥本哈根氣候會議(COP15)前的國際局勢不明朗暫緩法案審議,2015年巴黎氣候大會(COP21)前的國際壓力則給予國內立法強大動能。政策流方面,行政、立法與民間在多數時間裡,皆無法達成對法案內容的共識。政治流方面,利益團體與政治之運作,在不同時期阻礙法案的通過。直到2015年巴黎氣候大會前的國際趨勢(問題流)、國民黨行政立法合一,藍綠立委加上全國工業總會共同支持該法通過(政治流),促使立法院擱置爭議內容,形成具共識的政策流,三流匯聚並開啟政策窗通過立法。本文也發現,《溫管法》係由不同時期、不同類別的政策行動者所推動,而非由單一的政策企業家(policy entrepreneur)全程參與和促成。


The existing literature on the Greenhouse Gas Reduction and Management Act (GGRMA) predominantly consists of legal studies and lacks comprehensive analysis from political, policy, and governance perspectives. To address this knowledge gap, this paper centers on the legislative history of the GGRMA from 2006 to 2015, with the overarching research question: How does the issue enter the policy agenda and ultimately become law? The paper utilizes Kingdon's (1984, 1995) Multiple Streams Framework (MSF) as the analytical framework and employs in-depth interviews as the primary research method. The results indicate that the enactment of the GGRMA can be attributed to the convergence of the problem stream, particularly international pressure prior to the 2015 Paris Summit; the policy stream, where despite a lack of consensus among policy actors for most of the time, they eventually reached a compromise on the draft law; and the political stream, with the Kuomintang (KMT) government controlling both the administrative and legislative branches, and receiving support from the National Federation of Industries. Instead of a single, distinct policy entrepreneur driving policymaking and change, multiple policy actors contributed to the completion of the GGRMA legislation.
