  • 期刊


Tada Ekichi, a Japanese Businessman in Tamshui


1895年臺灣割讓給日本後,來到臺灣的日本人,受到殖民地政府的各種優惠和保護,加上日本人靈活的經商手腕,在日人統治下的臺灣,各地方都可以看到許多成功的日本生意人,這些經商成功的日本人,除了自己經營的生意成功之外,又多擔任地方各行業團體的領袖,更在殖民地政府的安排下,出任各地方的首長或民意代表,進而肩負統治者殖民地政策的執行者。淡水自不例外,多田榮吉就是其中之一,不過,一生除了努力於事業之外,到了1940 年代雖已屆古稀之齡,仍然以熱忱之心為淡水奉獻奔走,嘉惠地方良多,是一位少見以服務公共事務為樂的日本人。


淡水 多田榮吉 企業家


Tawian was ceded to Japan since 1895. Due to the protectionism, privilege from the colonial government, and the business skill they had, it is commonly to find Japanese businessman being very successful in Taiwan. Besides running their own prosperous business, they act on behalf the Japanese government in the places where they based. From time to time, they even became the councilors or the head of the local government to enforce the colonial policy.Tada Ekichi in Tamshui was no exception. He had conduct business in Taiwan for years. What made him different from other Japanese was: Even at the very high age in the 1940s, he still contributed himself not only to his business but also to the town of Tamshui. For the true passion and devotion to this land, Tade Ekichi was such an unique Japanese businessman.


Tamshui Tada Ekichi Businessman
