  • 期刊


The Speculation on Mythological Narration and the Theory of Evolution in "Shan Hai Jing (Classic of Mountains and Seas)" in the late Qing Dynasty-The Case of Discussions from Jiang Guanyun and Liu Shipei


光緒元年出版的《書目答問》中,體現了《山海經》於晚清學術風氣的轉變。從本來列於《四庫全書》子部「小説家」,到《書目答問》時被列入於史部「古史」類目,這也揭示著清朝後期的學術界,將原先視其為「百不一真」的《山海經》轉化成具有歷史性的意義,跳脱了原先「荒誕不經」的文學想像,他們透過合理化的視野,重新理解《山海經》於終別類物記載上,標誌著古史與文明的歷程,這個時代裡,西學思维的侵入比以往更甚,在某些亟欲探求民智大開與民族奮起的有志學者眼裡,《山海經》記物特性不啻是與西學取得連結或佐證的新契機。晚清學者蔣觀雲(1865-1929)與劉師培(1884-1919)即處在情勢嚴峻的國家危難之時,他們一方面藉由振筆述作。於報章雜誌的社論上抒發自己對時局看法,一方卻在不經意間,將《山海經》置於文化人類學派「進化論」(theory of evolution)的興學術領域之中,因此,本文欲透過蔣觀雲與劉師培對於《山海經》神話的觀察及詮釋,瞭解這段先緒後期至民國建立以前的十餘年間,所投射之文化論述、傳统文獻與西學結合的情形,進而窺探他們又如何將經國理想訴諸於宣揚國族意識之中。


In "Shu Mu Da Wen (Q & A about book list)"published in the first year of Guangxu, it shows the changing academic trends on "Shan Hai Jing". "Shan Hai Jing" was first cataloged into the category of "Novelist" under Zi (Masters) Section in "Siku Quanshu (Complete Library in Four Sections)" and then was changed to the category of "Ancient History" under History Section in "Shu Mu Da Wen". This also reveals that the academia in the late Qing Dynasty transferred the view on "Shan Hai Jing" from "unreal" to historical. It means scholars believed that the narrations are not only "absurd" literary imaginations They realized that the records of distinguishing categories in "Shan Hai Jing" marked the history of ancient history and civilization through a rational viewpoint. During this period, western thoughts were more invasive than ever before. In the eyes of some ambitious researchers who sought for knowledge spreading and national rising, the way of describing things in "Shan Hai Jing" Was just a new chance so connect with western academic and to prove the content. Both Jiang Guanyun (1865-1929) and Liu Shipei (1884-1919) lived at a time of critical state crisis so that they strived to not only write editorials for expressing their own views on the current situation but also place "Shan Hai Jing" in the new field of the theory of evolution in cultural anthropology inadvertently. Thus, this paper aims to find out the cultural discourses over more than ten years and the combination of traditional literature and western studies from the late Guangxu period to early Republic through the observations and interpretations on "Shan Hai Jing" from Jiang and Liu. Further, it helps explore how they apply their political ideals to propagate the national consciousness.


