  • 期刊


The Stressors of Caring Cancer Patient from Nurses



由於癌症之特質,癌症護理人員須經常面對重複住院且情況日趨惡化之重症或瀕死病人,其壓力感受常比其他護理人員來的大。 本研究藉由深入會談方式,探討護理人員在照顧癌症病患時感受的壓力源。研究對象為某醫學中心內科病房服務滿一年以上之護理人員,共13位;資料收集過程由研究者引導談論其在護理癌症病患時感受的壓力源,將談話內容錄音並做書面記錄,再以內容分析法將感受相似的壓力源歸類命名。 研究結果顯示訪談對象平均年齡24.8歲,皆未受過癌症護理訓練,且非自願被分派到該單位服務,喜愛癌症護理的程度偏低。 癌症病患護理壓力源可分為外在與內在壓力源,外在壓力源主要來自提供病患相關的治療與互動共計八項分別是隱瞞病情,備化學治療藥物、擔心藥物外滲,置放靜脈留置針,副作用處理、對治療不合作、病情的變化及瀕死病人的照顧等壓力源。內在壓力源共二項,分別是護士對治療的衝突心態及心理社會照顧的知識與能力不足之壓力源。 本研究結果顯示癌症病患照顧的壓力種類很多,單位主管或可參考,藉提供在職教育,改善病房業務或提供支持團體以減輕壓力感受,使照顧人的護理人員也能得到照顧。


癌症照顧 壓力源


Due to the characteristics of cancer, nurses working in cancer unit face the downhill or dying cancer patients. Therefore, their working stress is higher than in other unit. The purpose of this study was to explore the stressors of nurses working in cancer unit in a medical center in southern Taiwan. A qualitative design including in depth interview and tape recorded were conducted on 13 nurses working in the unit more than one year. They all are female, involuntary working in the unit, not receiving any formal inservice training for cancer care, and the averaged age was 24.8 years old. Stressors of caring cancer patients contains external and internal stressors. The external stressors mainly come from providing associated therapy and interaction, i.e. patients do not know their diagnosis, preparing drug of chemotherapy, extravasation of patients, setting IV catheter, management of side effects from treatment, not adherence to regimens, uncertainty of the condition and caring the dying patients. The internal stressors include two components, i.e. nurses’ conflict attitude toward therapy, and the insufficient knowledge and ability in psychosocial care. This qualitative study shows that caring the cancer patients contains many stressors. The possible strategy to improve current status is to provide inservice training, and provide support group to reduce the stressful feeling.


Stressor Cancer care
