  • 期刊


The Effect of Hyperbaric Oxygenation on Blood Sugar Level in DM Patients




Hyperbaric Oxygen Treatment (HBOT) is commonly used to treat non-healing wound in diabetic patients. From anecdotal evidences, we have learned HBOT may contribute to drop blood sugar level, even hypoglycemic episode. Therefore it is the motivation for us to initiate this study. We collect two groups of patients with DM foot ulceration, in which one is receiving HBOT(experimental group) and the other one is Non-HBOT group(control group), who are admitted to our hospital. Afterwards we compared with their variations of blood sugar pattern, and found the decreasing slope of HBOT is-2.53 and Non-HBOT is-4.09.from this researchable material we investigated the possible mechanisms in this article. Besides, we divided the HBOT patients (experimental group) into group A (HBOT>20 sessions) and group B (HBOT<20 sessions). The average blood sugar level decreases by 48mg/dl (22.4%) in group A and 14.9mg/dl (8.03%) in group B. It seemed that the more sessions of HBOT is the better blood sugar control. K.Paker defined “low blood sugar”(LBS) as any blood glucose below l00mg/dl. According to our study the LBS incidance is 9.7%. So the hypoglycemic complication should be highly avoided during HBOT in diabetic patients.
