  • 期刊


Laboratory Inspection and Accreditation of Laborer Routine Physical Check-up Examination in Taiwan


根據勞工安全相關法規規定,新進及在職勞工須定期健康檢查,其目的為預防保健及早期發現早期治療,以保障勞工健康與安全。國內大部分事業單位的體檢作業都委外醫療機構負責,政府主管機關對負責檢驗作業之實驗室並無相關法源加以規範,導致勞工健檢之檢驗品質良莠不齊,檢驗結果也令人質疑。實驗室通過認證可提昇勞工健檢指定醫療機構之檢驗品質,政府主管機關應要求健檢指定醫院通過醫學實驗室認證。ISO 15189為醫學實驗室認證之標準規範,對中小型實驗室並不適用性,中小型實驗室應制定適合自己的品質管理系統作業方式,以提昇勞工健康檢查之檢驗品質及保障勞工健康與安全。


The purpose of laborers' routine physical check-up examination on entering and during on-the-job period is prevention or early detection of disease among laborers. More importantly, these examination may be one of the key issues for health promotion for the laborers. Medical organization is responsible for outside physical check-up; however, there is no relevant regulation to monitoring the organization that conducted examination outside the hospital. This situation may be associated with poor quality of outside physical check-up. The medical organizations are encouraged to pass the inspection and accreditation through authentication in the laboratory society and governmental authority. Currently, ISO 15189 is the standard norm of medical laboratory accreditation. However, it is not for the medium and small-scale laboratory. Under this condition, the medium and small scale laboratory should establish their own criteria to promotion and motoring the laboratory quality.


