  • 期刊


Synergistic Effects of Combining Chinese Traditional Treatment and Rehabilitation Medicine in Preventing Disuse Osteoporosis in Stroke Patients


當肢體肌力降低及身體承重喪失時,所引發的廢用性骨質疏鬆症(Disuse Osteoporosis)是腦中風患者,後遺症中最重要的一環,尤其在骨質密度(bone mineral density)流失時,造成骨折的二次傷害,成為患者、家屬及醫療上的相當負擔,因此現今醫療上企盼解決的課題中,如何以有效的西醫復健治療,加上中醫的實証針灸,讓患者及早下床、承載體重、走路等,以減少廢用性骨質疏鬆症的發生,不啻為中西醫療之相輔相成。


One of the major sequelae for patients suffering from cerebrovascular accident is the development of disuse osteoporosis. The consequence happens when the muscle power reduces and the body structures are unable to provide enough support for the whole body. Gradual loss of bone mass and the reduction of bone mineral density may also increase the possibility of fracture, another episode of injury that greatly increases the burden of the family. Thus, how to combine both the effective rehabilitation therapy from Western medicine and acupuncture from Chinese traditional therapy to reduce the development of disuse osteoporosis and to enhance the therapeutic effect and enable the patients to do early mobilization, walking, and holding body mass becomes a very critical issue in current medicine. To reach this goal, a cooperative management from both Western and Chinese medicine may bring us a promising future.


disuse osteoporosis stroke
