  • 期刊


The Health and Work Capacity of Older Workers




The workforce of many developed countries is aging rapidly as the birth rate keeps decreasing, and the average life span keeps prolonging. Therefore, it has been an important public health issue to keep older workers healthy and prolong their career. The function of cardiovascular system, muscle strength, endurance, flexibility and balance deteriorates with age, which impairs the physical work capacity of older workers. The deterioration of physical function makes older workers more difficult to achieve the demand of works, and prone to fatigue or get injured.Despite of the deterioration of physical work capacity, most of older workers can perform their job as well as the younger workers. However, specific high physically demanding tasks often cause injuries or chronic health problems to older workers, such as low back, neck and shoulder pain. There should be adequate protection and age-adjusted maximum allowable work load designed for older workers when they perform such high risk tasks.Regular physical training can slow the age-associated decline in physical function, improve physical work capacity, fitness, work ability, and have a protective effect against work related injuries. Employers should provide their employees with the opportunity to take part in physical exercise training, which have been shown to be a cost-effective way of maintaining older workers health.


