

目的:了解接受長期照護於護理之家住民口腔健康狀況,並探討其社會人口學、基本健康狀包括慢性疾病與日常生活功能與口腔健康概況之相關性。方法:本研究採用橫斷性研究,於101年1月1日至101年12月31日於北市某醫學中心附設護理之家住民為樣本,以護理之家住民口腔健康狀況評估紀錄,包含住民之人口學資料,基本健康狀態、日常生活活動功能量表及口腔健康評估紀錄為研究工具。結果:納入接受口腔健康狀況分析共128位住民,結果顯示平均待補顆數為及待拔顆數為2.2顆,33.7%牙垢程度為中度或重度,性別與教育程度達顯著差異(p<.05),口腔健康不良者的男性比例相對較高。在管路、造口護理與其他變項的比較,顯示氣切管與傷口護理達顯著差異(p<.05),口腔健康不良者的氣切管比例相對較高(31.5% vs. 12.7%),另外口腔健康不良者的傷口護理比例也相對較高(9.6% vs. 0.0%)。結論:本研究結果顯示護理之家住民之口腔健康狀況及衛生狀態皆不佳,文獻指出口腔健康不佳,會影響老年人的咀嚼能力、營養的攝取、社交身體活動及生活品質等。所以建議未來在護理機構的照護人員能接受口腔保健之相關知識建立良好口腔照護措施,提升長期照護中住民的口腔健康。


Objective: The purpose of this study was to examine the oral health conditions among nursing home residents receiving long-term institutional care, and explore social demography, and primary health status, including chronic diseases and Activity of daily living (ADL), and oral health conditions of the correlation. Methods: This study implemented cross-sectional study and conducted descriptive analysis on the oral health condition records of nursing home residents (including resident demographic data), primary health status, ADL scores, and oral health evaluation records. The sample data were obtained from the Taipei medical center nursing home Results: This study included the oral health conditions analysis data from 128 residents. In terms of oral health evaluation, the average number of teeth awaiting dental restoration and teeth awaiting dental extraction was 2.2. In the comparisons of oral health conditions in the demographic variable and physical-mental condition variable, the results revealed significant gender and education level differences (p<.05). Residents with poor oral health showed relatively greater proportion of tracheostomy (31.5% vs. 12.7%), and those with poor oral health showed comparatively increased proportion of wound care (9.6% vs. 0.0%).
