  • 學位論文


The oral health-related knowledge﹐attitude﹐behavior and oral health-related quality of life of co-medical college students

指導教授 : 黃純德


背景: 教育部自2001年開始推動「學校健康促進計劃」,全面推動學前、國小、國中學生的口腔衛生教育活動。然而高中職、大專的青少年,口腔保健相關課程及推廣活動卻未持續推廣,致使口腔衛生教育活動成效無法務實;而有關青少年口腔相關健康生活品質研究仍然少見。近幾年來,醫療科技快速的研發進步,醫療照護型態也隨之改變,醫事類學生在未來專業生涯中是社區健康服務一份子,他們對口腔衛生相關知識、態度及行為是否正向,將深刻的影響到一般民眾對口腔保健的行為。因此,希望借由本研究探討醫事類專科學生與一般專科學生對口腔衛生知識、態度、行為與口腔健康相關生活品質是否差異,能作為教育部門擬訂口腔衛生教育相關計劃之參考。 研究目的: 探討專科學生一年級與五年級社會人口學變項及其口腔衛生知識、態度、行為之相關性。醫事類學生與非醫事類學生自覺口腔衛生知識、態度、行為、與口腔健康相關生活品質之比較探討。 研究方法: 本研究對象為南部某醫護管理專科學校,96學年度第一學期,物治科、護理科、幼保科、資管科、應用外語科、一年級與五年級學生,採立意抽樣法,共924人進行口腔衛生知識、態度、行為與口腔健康相關生活品質問卷調查,回收797人,回收率86.26%。 結果: 專科學生口腔衛生知識得分為39.20±14.06,影響醫事類與非醫事類科系學生因素包含年級、每天潔牙次數與頻率。口腔衛生態度得分為44.48±8.78,影響醫事類與非醫事類科系學生因素包含性別、吃糖果類、點心的甜食習慣、吃完甜食後,無潔牙的動作、每天潔牙次數與頻率、口腔檢查無固定牙醫師。專科學生在口腔健康相關生活品質總得分為64.21±45.58,影響醫事類與非醫事類科系學生因素包含連續服用半年以上的藥物或營養補充品、吃糖果類、點心的甜食習慣、每天潔牙次數與頻率。口腔衛生行為,醫事類與非醫事類科系學生,五年級有喝飲料習慣者是一年級1.65倍。每週1次或更少吃糖果類、點心的甜食習慣者是每天1次或以上的1.55倍。去牙科做定期口腔檢查,每隔1-6個月者為無的1.73倍。吃完甜食後,無潔牙的動作2次或2次以上者為有的2.28倍。口腔檢查無固定牙醫師,無定期口腔檢查者為有定期口腔檢查者的3.44倍。 結論: 研究結果發現專科學生口腔衛生知識不理想,非醫事類科系學生比醫事類科系佳,在醫事類科系較注重疾病照護,若能再加強口腔衛生知識相關課程應有很大進步空間。五年級學生優於一年級學生,可見一年級學生經由學校老師指導之下,到五年級口腔衛生知識明顯進步。


Background: The Ministry of Education has been promoting the “School Health Advancement Plan” since 2001. The focus of the plan was on promoting oral hygiene educational events to preschool, elementary school and junior high school students. However, the promotion to senior high school and college students was not sustained, and therefore the oral hygiene effect was not fully covered. Moreover, studies on oral health-related quality of life among teenagers are still insufficient. In recent years, the form of medical caring is changing as the rapid progress of medical technologies. Medical college students play a role in community health care in their future professional career. Their oral health-related knowledge﹐attitude and good behavior will significantly affect normal people’s oral health care behavior. As a result, this research is to study the difference in oral health-related knowledge﹐attitude﹐behavior and quality of life between medical and non-medical students. We hope that this research can serve as a reference for educational organizations while making oral-health education plans. Objective Study the relationship between college students’ social population factors and oral health-related knowledge、attitude and behavior. Compare the self-awareness of oral health-related knowledge、attitude、behavior and oral health-related quality of life between medical and non-medical students. Method The Subjects of the study were 924 students in the first semester of year 2007 from first and fifth year of study in some health care management college in the south of Taiwan. These students were chosen using judgment sampling method from different disciplines, namely physical therapy, nursing, early childhood care, information management and applied foreign language. They were asked to answer a survey about their oral health-related knowledge﹐attitude﹐behavior and oral health-related quality of life. The response was 797out of 924 students, 86.26%. The data were compiled and analyzed by using the JMP statistics software suite. Results The score of college students’ oral hygiene knowledge was 39.20(±14.06); the score for medical and non-medical students is affected by the year of study﹐ frequency and times of daily brushing. The score of oral hygiene attitude was 44.48(±8.78); the score for medical and non-medical students is affected by sex、the habit of consuming candies and sweetened snacks、no oral cleaning measure after consuming sweetened food、frequency and times of daily brushing and have no specific dentist for oral check-ups. The score of college students’ oral health-related quality of life was 64.21(±45.58); the score for medical and non-medical students is affected by constantly consuming medicine or nutrition supplements for more than half year、the habit of consuming candies and sweetened snacks and frequency and times of daily brushing. For oral hygiene behavior of medical and non-medical students, fifth year students having the habit of beverage consumption is 1.65 times more than first year students; consuming candies and sweetened snacks once per week or less is 1.55 times more than once daily or more; going to dental clinics for regular oral check-ups every 1-6 months is 1.73 times more than no oral check-up; no oral cleaning measure after consuming sweetened food twice or more is 2.28 times more than having oral cleaning measures. For not having the same dentist for oral check-ups, people with no regular oral check-ups is 3.44 times more than people having regular oral check-ups. Conclusion This study shows that college students do not have good oral health-related knowledge, but non-medical students are better than medical students. Medical students focus more on disease care; if they could have more oral health-related courses, they could do better. Moreover, fifth year students have better oral knowledge than first year students; it is obvious that students’ oral knowledge improves significantly from the first to fifth year under the guidance from their school teachers.


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