  • 期刊


Investigation on Job Stress and Quality of Life of Emergency Nurses in National Military Hospitals


背景:國軍醫院急診護理人員扮演至關重要的角色,必須在第一時間協助災難應變或大量傷患處置,發揮領導統御貫徹命令等團隊合作及溝通整合的多元能力,以穩定狀況,減少社會恐慌。為維護並提升國軍醫院急診護理照護品質與病人安全,瞭解國軍醫院急診護理人員之工作壓力與生活品質之現況是必要的,然而針對此相關研究較少被探討。目的:探討國軍醫院急診護理人員之工作壓力與生活品質之關係。方法:本研究採橫斷式描述性研究設計,以台北地區4家國軍醫院,進入急診室年資大於3個月之護理人員為研究對象,收案時間為2014年3月至7月,以基本資料、護理人員工作壓力量表及臺灣簡明版世界衛生組織生活品質問卷進行資料收集,共84位護理人員完成問卷。以SPSS 22.0版進行統計分析,使用描述性統計,並以回歸分析檢定國軍醫院急診護理人員生活品質之預測因子,p <0.05表示具統計顯著意義。結果:國軍醫院急診護理人員工作壓力平均值為211.5±52.5分,以「勝任」平均得分最高(6.0±1.5)、以「工作關注」平均得分最低(4.0±1.7);國軍醫院急診護理人員生活品質平均值為76.4+12.7分,以社會關係範疇平均得分最高(3.3±0.6)、環境範疇平均得分最低(2.7± 0.5)。國軍醫院急診護理人員工作壓力是影響護理人員生活品質的重要預測因子,護理人員工作壓力每增加1分,其生活品質下降0.13分(95%信賴區間-0.17~-0.09)。結論:本研究結果發現國軍醫院急診護理人員工作壓力愈高,其生活品質愈差,故了解國軍醫院急診護理人員工作壓力與生活品質之關係,藉此發展介入措施以降低工作壓力,進而促進生活品質。


Background: Emergency nurses play a vital role in national military hospitals. They must assist in disaster response or act as first responders in dealing with numerous injuries. At this time, they engage diverse capabilities of teamwork and communication integration such as leadership, control, and implementation of orders, so as to stabilize the situation and reduce social panic. To improve the quality of care offered by emergency nurses of national military hospitals and maintain patient safety, it is necessary to understand the current level of job stress and quality of life facing emergency nursing staff in national military hospitals. However, little research has been conducted on this issue. Purpose: The aim of this study was to explore the relationship between job stress and quality of life of emergency nursing staff in national military hospitals. Methods: This was a cross-sectional descriptive study. Participants included 84 nurses with more than three months of work experience at four military hospitals. Data were collected from March through July 2014. The questionnaires used in this study made use of demographic data, a nurse job stress checklist, and the World Health Organization Quality of Life (WHOQOL)-Taiwan Version instrument. Data were analyzed by IBM SPSS Statistics for Windows 22.0. We used descriptive statistics and regression models to examine the predictors of quality of life among nursing staff of national military hospitals. Statistical significance was set at p < 0.05. Results: The average score of job stress among emergency nurses of national military hospitals was 211+52.5 points. The highest subscale was "competent" (6.0±1.5), and the lowest subscale was "work concern" (4.0±1.7). The average score of quality of life was 76.4±12.7 points. The highest-scoring domain was "social relationship" (3.3 ± 0.6), and the lowest-scoring domain was "environment" (2.7 ± 0.5). Job stress was the most important predictor of quality of life among emergency nurses of national military hospitals. For every one-point increase in nurses' job stress, their quality of life decreases by 0.13 points (95% confidence interval -0.17~-0.09). Conclusion: According to the findings of this study, higher job stress is correlated with poor quality of life among emergency nurses of national military hospitals. Therefore, when we understand the relationship between job stress and quality of life of emergency nurses in national military hospitals, we can develop interventions to reduce job stress and improve quality of life.
