  • 期刊


Factors Assessment of Using Constructed Wetlands for Treatment of Domestic Wastewater from Rural Communities


本文依據對產業界、學界、及政府單位之專家問卷調查分析結果評估國內「以人工濕地處理農村社區生活汙水」其相關規劃設計考量因子之間的相對重要性程度。經由實務上遭遇的問題及配合相關人員提供之意見,歸納出三項決策層面因子:經濟層面、環境及景觀層面、與管理維護層面。此三項決策層面因子各包含四項評估子因子,其中經濟層面由用地大小、用地取得、單位建造成本、及佔該工程預算比例等四項組成;環境及景觀層面由污水處理效用、景觀休閒效用、治水防洪效用、及生態教育效用等四項組成;管理維護層面由管理維護單位、管理維護經費來源、管理維護人力、及管理維護訓練等四項組成,合計共十二項評估子因子。採用專家問卷調查與層級分析法的評估結果顯示產業界、學界、及政府單位對決策層面各因子的相對重要性之觀點並不一致,最重要的項目分別爲:產業界及不分類綜合分析的管理維護層面、學界的經濟層面、與政府的環境及景觀層面。 各決策層面下四項評估子因子的分析,在經濟層面各界皆以「用地取得」爲第一考量;在環境及景觀層面各界的第一考量皆爲「污水處理效能」;在管理維護層面產業界、學界、及綜合分析的第一考量皆爲「管理維護經費來源」,政府則以「管理a維護單位」爲第一考量。


Results in accordance with a survey of experts in industry, academic circles, and government agencies related to the relative importance of planning and design considerations factors for using constructed wetlands to deal with domestic sewage in rural communities in Taiwan are presented m this paper. Economic aspect, environment and landscape aspect, management and maintenance aspect were summarized as the three decision-making factors according to the practical experience and the advice of relevant personnel. Each decision-making aspect factor is composed of four assessment sub-factors. The four sub-factors of economic aspect are land size, land acquisition, unit construction cost, and the percentage of total cost spending for the construction of wetland. The four sub-factors of environment and landscape aspect are the efficacy of sewage treatment, the efficacy of landscape and leisure, the efficacy of flood control, and the efficacy of ecological education. The four sub-factors of management and maintenance aspect are the managing unit, resource, manpower, and framing. There are totally 12 assessment sub-factors. According to the results of expert survey and AHP analysis, it is shown that the point view related to the relative importance of decision-making aspects of three groups under survey is not consistent. Management and maintenance aspect, economic aspect, and environmental and landscape aspect are the most important decision-making factors for the industry and non-classified analysis, the academic circles, and the government agencies, respectively. Assessment of four sub-factors under each decision-making aspect indicated the followings. Land acquisition is the item considered prior to the other sub-factors by all surveyed groups and non-classified analysis in regard to the economic aspect. All surveyed groups pay more attention to the efficacy of sewage treatment in regard to environment and landscape aspect Government agencies emphasize the managing unit and the others give more attention to the funding source of management and maintenance in regard to the management and maintenance aspect.


