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The Present and Future of High School English Speech Competitions: A Study on the National and Provincial Public and Private High School English Speech Contest




The present study targeted on The 2014 National and Provincial Public and Private High School English Speech Contest by investigating the participants' perceptions towards and preparation for the event. Based on 206 questionnaires and 29 interviews, it was found that most contestants relied heavily on and benefited much from their coaches' instruction and assistance; most coaches, though having confidence in their expertise in public speaking and their ability to coach students, did not like the fact that they were assigned the job to coach; and the competition, though enhancing their general oral English proficiency and ability in constructing, organizing and delivering a speech in public, left contestants shortchanged in other skills, such as choosing the topic, analyzing the audience, writing the speech, and exercising creative and critical thinking. Some suggestions were given on how this and other local speech contests can improve to make the competition a more fruitful and enjoyable experience for both students and coaches.


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