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An Evaluation of Three Institutes of Labor Studies in Taiwan


本文分析文化、政大和中正三校勞工所的特色,以供其改進經營之參考。所採行的研究方法包括:分析三所的書面資料、訪問一些產、官、學、勞各界人士的看法,以及調查勞工所在學同學和畢業校友的意見。 主要發現如下:文化、政大和中正大三個勞工所的課程都採多元發展的型態;又因師資有限,每人的專長領域幾乎完全不同,呈現深度不足的弊病。儘管如此,研究生與畢業生均將勞工法規和勞資關係管理視爲他們最可宣稱擅長的科目;企業界在優先僱用勞工所畢業生時,亦著眼於其熟悉勞工法規。 受訪者對其所屬勞工所整體之評價不高;對勞工所前景之看法,研究生多傾向悲觀,但畢業生卻均傾向樂觀。根據社會需要勞工所專才之情形來看,勞工所畢業生的出路其實頗爲樂觀,然各勞工所宜積極改善經營內容。本文對勞工所如何調整課程規劃和所務經營,提出了一些建議。




This research analyzes the features of Institutes of Labor Studies at Chinese Culture, National Cheng Chi and National Chung Cheng Universities in order to detect some aspects for amelioration. The methods adopted include examining pamphlets and curriculums distributed by three institutions, discussing with selected individuals from businesses, the government, school and labor organizations, and surveying graduate students and alumni with questionnaire. The major fmdings are the folliwing: All curriculums of three institutions reveal a multifacet approach, which is a shortcoming due to limited instrucotors in all. Additionally, the employer usuall hire graduates from Institute of Labor Stueies because of their specialization of labor laws, and, correspondingly, the graduates generally claim their specialization of labor laws and industrial relations. However, persons surveyed by questionnaire do not give a high score to their affiliated institutions in general. As for the judgement of the future of Institute of Labor Studies, on average, students at school are pessimistic while alummi are optimistic. Obviously, students at school do not have sufficient information and three instututions have to improve their management. Some suggestions relevant to the adjustments of curriculum and operation for Institutes of Labor Studies are recommended.


