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The Dialectic Relation of Corporate Human Resource Management Strategies and Labor Consciousness


台灣產業蓬勃的生命力與在世界市場佔有一席之地,憑藉的條件不僅是質優的勞動力,資本家各種厲害的管理手法與人力運用的彈性,自是重要因素。這篇短文係以一位任職於某中型傳產長達9年的勞工的近身觀察與親身體驗而來。該企業藉由產線員工優先的各種懷柔人力資源管理手法、動員月會的舉辦、企業社會責任的推動、友善職場福利以及獎金入股等的實施,有效分化了員工團體力量。另一方面勞動者的意識形態受到教育、小頭家意識、中小企業協力網絡、藍白領階級矛盾、製程與提案改善、自動化設備、績效制度及性別與種族分化等的影響,造就了工人自身勞動意識的削弱,雖然工人也展現對若干管理措施的不滿與抵抗,但終究面對資本家的各種正式及非正式的規訓手段時,大多選擇順從以對。這篇研究是受到勞動過程理論的啟發,然饒有趣味的地方是,面對市場激烈競爭且以代工為主的台灣某中型企業,缺乏Michael Burawoy所言的內部勞動力市場及內部國家的經營條件,工人勞動條件差又苦於長時期加班,在如此不利的條件底下,有著濃厚家父長經營管理色彩的資方,竟然靠著厲害的各種管理手法及懷柔政策,激發出工人的順服與共識!


The factors that Taiwan's economic development has been widely recognized depend not only on quality labor force but also human resource management strategies. This article aims to explain how a mid-sized manufacturing company succeeds in winning workers' consent by way of all kinds of management strategies including publicly honoring line workers with top performance, verbally expressing sincere gratitude to workers from the boss and his management team, giving stock options to workers of value, providing generous bonus in three Chinese lunar festivals, and actively exercising corporate social responsibility. These practices effectively pacify workers' discontent. Workers' consciousness can hardly grow due to formal education of work ethics, entrepreneurial ethos, utilization of collaboration network through helping workers to go with internal start-ups, class contradiction between white collar and blue collar, implementation of performance rating, introduction of automation facilities, and even initiation of segregation by gender as well ethnic line. Workers are generally submissive to the hegemony constructed through formal and informal rules even though workers have to endure poor working condition and tiresome overtime all the time. What makes this case study interesting is the sharp difference between the case company and the company that Michael Burawoy described in this seminal book, Manufacturing Consent, and yet both are successful in being hegemonic.
