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An Investigation of the Causes of Black Speck Disease on Sugar Apple Fruits


番荔枝果實黑點病的原因經1994年的調查結果顯示正常果之果皮及果肉Ca含量均極顯著高於黑點病者,為確認其因,本(1995)年以幼果、成熟果及不同罹病程度的果實分析Ca含量作為診斷正常果與黑點病果的差異性,並建立Ca營養診斷基準。從未發生黑點病的番荔枝果園與發生黑點病嚴重的果園土壤及葉片Ca含量無法得知黑點病是否為缺Ca所引起。夏期果正常果幼果鮮物重及乾物重Ca平均含量分別為20.6及82.6 mg/100g與黑點病之14.8及56.5 mg/100g有顯著的差異,成熟果之正常果分別為27.9及95.2 mg/100g顯著高於黑點病之16.1及53.5 mg/100g,冬期果成熟果不同罹病程度之果皮及果肉Ca含量彼此之間雖無顯著差異存在,但似有罹病程度愈重者Ca含量愈少的趨勢,罹病不同程度A(黑點病面積75%以上)、B(50-75%)、C(25-50%)、D(12.5-25%)、E(0.1-12.5%)及F(未發生),其果肉鮮物重及乾物重Ca平均含量分別為12.7、13.1、11.2、12.5、14.4、16.3及41.3、41.3、37.5、42.4、51.3、56.4 mg/100g,而果皮則分別為19.8、22.6、22.7、27.7、28.8、34.6及64.2、74.2、68.4、83.2、89.0、99.6 mg/100g。顯然黑點病與果皮Ca含量的相關性比果肉為高,因此診斷部位以果皮為佳。暫定Ca含量的診斷基準為幼果70 mg/100g dry,夏期果及冬期果之果皮為33mg/100g fresh,90 mg/100g dry,即低於此濃度有缺Ca的可能而發生果實黑點病。


番荔枝 黑點病 鈣缺乏


The causes of the black speck disease fruits of sugar apples Annona squamosa L.) were investigated in 1994, the preliminary data showed that the skin and pulp Ca contents were remarkably higher than that of black speck disease fruits. For further confirming the causes, young fruits and ripe fruits suffered from varied disease index were sampled for mineral and chemical composition analysis to detect the difference between nomal and black speck disease fruits on Ca contents and establish the criterion for diagnosing the Ca nutrient level. Upon the soil Ca and leaf Ca contents from normal and black speck disease orchards were hard to tell whether Ca stress could induce black speck disease or not. The average Ca contents of normal young fruits and ripe fruits on fresh or dry weight basis in summer crop being 20.6 and 27.9, or 82.6 and 95.2 mg/100g were significantly superior to that of black spec disease fruits being 14.8 and 16.1, or 56.6 and 53.5 mg/100g, respectively. The skin Ca and pulp Ca contents on different disease index ripe fruits in winter crop did not remarkably different from each other but had the tendency of the severe the disease, the less the Ca content. The disease was classified into. A (disease area 75% over), B (50-75%), C (25-50%), D (12.5-25%), E (0.1-12.5%) and F (non), and which mean pulp Ca contents on fresh and dry weight basis were 12.7, 13.1, 11.2, 12.5, 14.4, 16.3 and 41.3, 41.3, 37.5, 42.4, 51.3, 56.4 mg/100g, while the mean skin contents were 19.8, 22.6, 22.7, 27.7, 28.8, 34.6 and 64.2, 74.2, 68.4, 83.2, 89.0, 99.6 mg/100g, respectively. It is obvious that the correlation between black speck disease and skin Ca content is higher than black speck disease with pulp Ca content, therefore the skin is recommended as the diagnosis part.The tentative diagnosis criterion of Ca contents for young fruits is 70 mg/100g dry, for summer and winter fruit skin are 33 mg/100g fresh and 90 mg/100g dry. It means that the Ca concentrations below the criterion, Ca deficiency and black speck disease might be occurred.
