  • 期刊


The Development of Cold Forging Progressive Die Process for the Component of Actuator Arm of HDD


近幾年來,由於各項資訊產品日益蓬勃發展,相對地也帶動各種儲存媒體需求大幅提升的關係,現已逐漸突破了只能應用於PC產業的窘境,並且成功地打入資訊家電、及影音市場。因此未來硬碟機仍會具有相當不錯的成長空間,而硬碟讀取臂(Actuator Arm)為硬碟機之重要元件,這也代表著為硬碟機關鍵零組件之一的硬碟讀取臂亦有相當大的市場發展潛力。 硬碟讀取臂,目前加工製程是採用壓鑄後再進行切銷方式,但此種生產方式,不僅生產速度慢,耗費時程也長,且成本高,尺寸精度也不夠理想,而如果利用沖鍛複合成形製程並且採用多件組合(積層)的方式來進行此一產品之生產,則可使成本明顯下降,精度及效率提升且能進行穩定之生產。 在本文中,除了針對電腦製程模擬結果及本產品合理加工製程作-簡單介紹外,同時也針對製程中可能產生之問題加以檢討並提出適當之對策。


For promoting the competitiveness of 3C industries in Taiwan, the cold forging progressive die technology is still being developed. The technology can rapidly and stably produce high quality and complex shape products. Besides, it can substitute conventional process and lower manufacturing cost and time, too. The development of cold forging progressive die process for the component of actuator arm consists of two main stages. First, we arrange a reasonable and an appropriate process planning for the case. Second, we use Deform software to simulate main forming processes for checking up the results of the process planning. The research is aim to offer a reasonable and effective manufacturing process of the component of actuator arm of HDD. The results of deform simulation, the reasonable manufacturing process, and the final conclusions will be introduced in the article.
