  • 期刊


Optimization of FEM Simulation on the Compression Forming of Double-Layer Clad Sheet




This study utilizes Taguchi method to explore the compression forming of double-layer clad sheet, and the experimental plan of L9(3^4) orthogonal table is conducted by way of four experimental parameters such as the clad thickness ratio, the shear yield stress ratio, the frictional factor ratio, and width thickness ratio to investigate the effect of double-layer clad sheet compression forming. The optimal experimental parameters to affect the uniform free surface of double-layer can be obtained. For the optimization of double-layer clad sheet forming, in this study the FEM simulation is carried out by the SUPERFORM commercial software, the frictions between the dies and the clad sheet are assumed as constant shear friction, and the frictions of upper-and-lower dies can be different. The outer surface shape of deformed clad sheet, the equivalent stress, the equivalent strain, the velocity field, the pressure distribution and the compression force are simulated by the FEM. With a view to verifying the simulated results of FEM, the compression force obtained from the slab analysis model[14] is used to compare with the FEM in order to check the acceptance of the FEM simulation. Adjusting various compression conditions effectively to control the uniform deformation of outer surface is easy to the second forming of clad sheet. The results can be offered the useful knowledge to the forging industry.
