  • 期刊

Performance Monitoring Web Applications via a Mobile-Agent Approach




基本上,網站性能測試可顯露網站的性能極限及其瓶頸所在,而性能監控則可確信網站系統是否處於最佳狀況。這兩種方法在確保網站系統的品質目的上已是越來越重要;然而,欲透過網際網路完全地評審或控制電腦網站之性能,卻需要巨量的頻寬,尤其全球資訊網越來越流行時,網路頻寬的問題變得更為棘手,因此本文將導入行動代理人的技術作為解決方案之一。 在本研究中,我們將探討行動代理人的技術在網際網路方面的適用性,並利用行動代理人的核心特性,研究提出網路環境中的監控架構;所建議的方法具有若干優點,包括:減少網路的頻寬,及提升執行平台的堅固性。本文最後並以一個實際案例的演繹說明所建議監控架構的正確性。


Performance testing can reveal the bottleneck and the peak performance of a website, and performance monitoring can make sure that the system is in its best condition. These two processes are becoming more and more important in order to ensure the quality of websites. However, a huge amount of bandwidth is needed to completely evaluate or even monitor a certain website as the process involves continuous exchange of data packages through the Internet. However, we are facing limited bandwidth as the World Wide Web (WWW) gets more and more popular and common, therefore we introduce the mobile agent technology as a solution. In this research, we investigate the applicability of mobile agent technology to Internet applications, and employ the kernel properties of a mobile agent to propose a performance-monitoring framework in the web environment. The suggested approach holds several advantages such as reducing bandwidth and enhancing robustness of the executing platform. We present with two properties and validate their correctness using one demonstration example. This example is also used to verify the correctness of our framework.
