  • 學位論文


A Study of Computerized Visual Presentation for Usability Evaluation

指導教授 : 林久翔


在現今競爭越來越激烈的市場環境下,廠商所推出的商品必須要能夠推陳出新,才能在這樣的環境下生存與獲利。由於產品的設計成本僅佔產品成本的一小部分,但是設計出來的產品卻有極大的影響力,也就是因為如此,設計研發部門扮演的角色也隨之重要起來。而產品的設計流程中,概念設計階段的結果決定了新式設計成品的未來,而在這個階段,設計師將概念設計成品呈現給各界不同經歷背景的人士的目的,就是希望能夠獲取各方的正面意見,如此才能將設計成品做進一步的改良,避免推出市場販售時,才發現不符和市場的需要,而造成無謂的損失。然而,設計人員同時也希望觀看設計的人士,能夠感受到設計人員在設計時的考量。因為當觀看人員能夠以設計者的考量角度來觀看設計,對於設計成品美中不足的地方,更能夠提供完善的建議。 因此,在預算金額或開發時間等等有限的條件下,選擇出一套合適的手法呈現設計,對設計人員來說,也是一項重要的課題。因為一套好的呈現手法,將不僅可以讓各觀看人員體會到設計者各項考量的用心,更可以得到許多正面的寶貴意見。本研究針對這一個目的,選擇了圖片、動畫、影像式虛擬實境三種方式呈現設計,在搭配語音的介紹,希望能在各項組合中,找出最適合的呈現方法。除此之外,考量了三種呈現方法的需求設備與發展的時間不同,希望能夠利用學習效果的影響,降低各呈現手法所需求的設備與發展時間。 而本研究的結果發現,如果設計者呈現的時間有限,可以採用影像式虛擬實境的方式呈現,再加上語音的介紹即可滿足設計人員的目的。倘若觀看人員觀看的時間沒有限制,可改用圖片與動畫的方式先後呈現,並加上語音的介紹,即可在較低階的電腦配備與發展時間下,達到相同的結果。


Because of the higher returns on investment, “product design” is playing a more and more important role nowadays, especially in this competitive market. Besides, in the process of product design, “concept-design” is a critical step. This step will decide the future of the designed results, including the success of the product, or how big the market share is. For these reasons, designers must show their concept-designed results to the related persons, and the designers could receive not only the compliment but the advices from them. Therefore, selecting a right way to display the concept-designed results is an important issue for designers. This is because presenting the results in a suitable way causes viewers and advisers follow the designers’ consideration, then thay can provide helpful and positive advices, and feedbacks. In this study, we choose three common computerized visual presentations, which are pictures, animations, and image-based VR. If designers want to receive the most possible advices in restricted presenting time, this study suggests image-based VR. Image-based VR will help users understand the consideration of designers’ easily. However, taking the required developing time and the equipment into consideration, this study suggests the use of pictures and animations to display the concept-designed results. Because of the learning effects, the pictures and animations could achieve the same results as the image-based VR with less cost.


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