  • 期刊


The Devadatta story treatise of Vinaya Miscellaneous




Devadatta was Shakyamuni's cousin. After Shakyamuni become a Buddha, he returned to his hometown--- Kapilavastu. Many people inspired by Shakyamuni and followed him to become a Buddhist monk, Devadatta was one of the famous "eight prince become monk". At first, he strived very hard, but since many reason, he not only leave Shakyamuni, but opposite it and even harm it very much. Early Buddhist scriptures and vinaya-pitaka, as long as he was mentioned, often talking about his crimes. "Vinaya Miscellaneous", which is the largest of its number, is the highest of all the books. But after the spread of the mahayana sutra in the year of the lord, such as "Lotus Sutra", "Da Fangdeng Wuxiang Jing", and "Fo Shuo Dafang Guang Shan Qiao Fang Bian Jing". When it comes to Devadatta, he is almost a positive narrative, bad things are very few. Why does the legend of the same person have such a big contrast? It's Folk beliefs, scripture compilation, Position angle, or thinking and interpretation of deduction. This article takes "Posengshi" and other books in the relevant story of each other, deduce two kinds of thinking.


《毘奈耶破僧事》卷十九,見《大正藏》第24 冊,頁197-198。(日本大藏經刊行會發行,1990年4 月)。
《五分律》卷三,見《大正藏》第22 冊,頁19-20。
《十誦律》卷三六,見《大正藏》第23 冊,頁260-261。
《大正藏》第24 冊,卷十,頁151。
金榮華著《民間故事類型索引》頁450,(台北:中國口傳文學學會出版,2014 年4 月)。
