  • 期刊


Application of the Transtheoretical Model to Smoking Behavior among Freshmen


The purpose of this study was to assess the relationships of the stages of change with self-efficacy/temptation and decisional balance, and to examine the utility of the transtheoretical model in understanding smoking behavior. A random clustered sample of 1216 freshmen was recruited from a college in Taipei county. The average age of the sample was 19.3 years. On the basis of participants, responses to the stage of smoking measure, 84.9% were in acquisition precontemplation, 2.2% in acquisition contemplation, 0.7% in acquisition preparation, 4.4% in cessation precontemplation, both 1.4% in cessation contemplation and cessation preparation, 1.2% in cessation action and 3.7% in cessation maintenance. Participants in acquisition precontemplation scored the lowest and those in cessation precontemplation scored the highest on the self-efficacy/temptation, benefit and decisional balance indices, with the trend reversed on the cons (disadvantages) scale. Significant differences between stages were found for self-efficacy/temptation and decisional balance (p<.001), the proportion of variance accounted for these variables range from 13%~51%. These findings offer support for the transtheoretical model to apply in the antismoking programs, and implications for use of the findings by educator in developing stage- based interventions.


The purpose of this study was to assess the relationships of the stages of change with self-efficacy/temptation and decisional balance, and to examine the utility of the transtheoretical model in understanding smoking behavior. A random clustered sample of 1216 freshmen was recruited from a college in Taipei county. The average age of the sample was 19.3 years. On the basis of participants, responses to the stage of smoking measure, 84.9% were in acquisition precontemplation, 2.2% in acquisition contemplation, 0.7% in acquisition preparation, 4.4% in cessation precontemplation, both 1.4% in cessation contemplation and cessation preparation, 1.2% in cessation action and 3.7% in cessation maintenance. Participants in acquisition precontemplation scored the lowest and those in cessation precontemplation scored the highest on the self-efficacy/temptation, benefit and decisional balance indices, with the trend reversed on the cons (disadvantages) scale. Significant differences between stages were found for self-efficacy/temptation and decisional balance (p<.001), the proportion of variance accounted for these variables range from 13%~51%. These findings offer support for the transtheoretical model to apply in the antismoking programs, and implications for use of the findings by educator in developing stage- based interventions.




