  • 期刊

Recurrent Post-Obstructive Pulmonary Edema Secondary to Compression by a Large Nodular Thyroid Goiter-A Case Report



阻塞後肺水腫(post-obstructive pulmonary edema),又稱為負壓性肺水腫(negative pressure pulmonary edema),發生在短暫性移除上呼吸道阻塞後造成的潛在性危害生命的併發症。其最常見原因為氣管插管或拔管後所造成的喉部水腫(laryngoedema)及上呼吸道腫瘤。已有文獻報告約在接受全身麻醉的案例約有千分之一的發生率。我們提出一個因大型結節性甲狀腺腫(nodular thyroid goiter)壓迫氣管造成的反覆性阻塞後肺水腫,個案於確診後接受甲狀腺切除手術後,成功拔管。


Post-obstructive pulmonary edema (POPE), also known as negative pressure pulmonary edema, is a potentially life-threatening complication in which pulmonary edema occurs shortly after relieving the patient of an upper airway obstruction. The most common causes are laryngospasm during intubation or extubation and upper airway tumors in adult populations. The incidence of POPE has been reported to be as high as 1 in 1000 general anesthetic cases. We report a patient with recurrent POPE induced by intubation of the airway for external compression by a large nodular thyroid goiter. The patient was weaned successfully after lobular thyroidectomy, without respiratory distress.
